Stored procedure in a query?

  • is it possible to use a stored procedure within a query as follows-

    select tab, magazine, parent, brand,

    SUM(case issyear when 2005 then "exec sp_getPercent('Username')" else 0 end) as CorrectPercent


  • You cant do that HOWEVER you can use a user defined function like that.  See BOL for more information

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks - I will look into that!

  • Yup you're really looking for a function here... however, it might even be better to just use a derived table in this case. What's the code of the proc?

    Also, technically there's a way to use a proc in a select but it's so awfull/worst practice that I won't show it to you... but it can be done when there's just no other way.

  • The stored proc is very simple

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getPercent @name varchar(40), @year int




    when Name1 =@name then round(Share1,2,1)

    when Name2 =@name then round(Share2,2,1)

    when Name3 =@name then round(Share3,2,1)

    when Name4 =@name then round(Share4,2,1)


    from vwShareData

    where issyear = @year

    group by name1, name2, name3, name4



    The query that is calling it is a little more involved

    select tab, mag, parent, brand, CurNo, PrevNo, Dif, torder, sorder,

    (case when sortfield is null then 0 else sortfield end) as sortfield


    (select tab, mag, parent, brand,

    SUM(case iyear when 2005 then exec sp_getPercent('B') else 0 end) as CURNum,

    SUM(case issyear when 2004 then exec sp_getPercent('B') else 0 end) AS PrevNum,

    SUM(case iyear when 2005 then exec sp_getPercent('B') else 0 end) - SUM(case iyear when 2004 then exec sp_getPercent('B') else 0 end) AS DifNum,

    torder, sorder,

    (select round(SUM(case iyear when 2005 then exec sp_getPercent('B') else 0 end), 2)

    from vwShare

    where IMnth between 1 and 6 and iyear in (2005,2004)

    and (Name1='B' or Name2='B' or Name3='B')

    and mag='P' and parent=A.parent group by parent) as SortField

    from vwShare A where IMnth between 1 and 6 and iyear in (2005,2004)

    and (Name1='B' or Name2='B' or Name3='B')

    group by tab, parent, brand, magazine, taborder, sortorder) as INNERSQL

    order by parent, brand, magazine, taborder, sortorder

    I'm sure there is a better way to do this.. I am trying to figure it out now.

  • What's the sp's supposed to return (sample data)?

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