stored procedure for paging table

  • Hi! i have two tables that are category and products. when i select a catageroy(on my project) i will list products associated with that category. and i do paging on this list. how can i write a stored procedure that do this process?

    i tried to create a temporary table using with #tablename as(...) i list products, but then i couldn't make paging on this temptable.

    please help.Thanks...

  • here's an example using row_number of using that to page information;

    if you gave us more details, specifically the actual table schemas, and maybe a sample select statement, we could offer more concrete advice;

    this example is paging in batches of 25; i'm getting the third group in this example.

    declare @WhichPage int

    Set @WhichPage = 3



    WHERE RWNBR BETWEEN (25 * (@WhichPage -1)) AND (25 * (@WhichPage -1)) + 25

    ---returns rows 75 thru 100 inclusive (26 rows)


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Hi again. My problem is this completely. i develop a we project( there are categories,subcategories. For example i select laptop category. PAge will show products that has CategoryID of Laptop. Let's sat 80 produxts exists on laptop category.Page will show 10 products in the page. Then iwill click page2 ,then other 10 products will be shown.

    i do this for all products. but i couldn't for category products. first i select products associated with that category,then i do paging on that products.

    As i said, i have 2 tables. Category,Poducts. there is a field CateoryID on products table. i use this field for categoryid of category.

    Thnks again.

  • i was looking for real code specifics..CREATE TABLE Category....

    and then how you wanted to filter the products:


    those details are what i'd need to make anything except a guess.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • i tried like this.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_listcategoryproducts]

    @dolar float,

    @katid int,

    @sayfano int



    with myurun



    select (ROW_NUMBER()over(order by UrunKategoriID))as sirano,UrunKodu,UrunAdi,UrunResim,UrunStok,UrunFiyat,


    when UrunKDVDurumID=1 then 'KDV Dahil'

    else '+KDV'

    end as KDVDurum,

    dbo.f_urunfiyati(UrunKDVDurumID,UrunParaTipi,UrunFiyat,@dolar) as ToplamTutar,


    when UKampanya=1 then 'Indirimli'

    end as indirim,


    when UKampanya=1 then dbo.f_indirimlifiyat(UrunKDVDurumID,UIndirim,UrunParaTipi,UrunFiyat,@dolar)

    when UKampanya=0 then '0'

    end as indirimlifiyat,


    when UrunParaTipi=1 then 'TL'

    else '$'

    end as ParaTipi

    from Urunler where UrunKategoriID=@katid


    select * from myurun


    i tried to list products that belongs to specified UrunKategoriID.i created a temp table like this. problem is after this. Now i need to do paging. i also tried to create a temp table using create table #tempproduct. but i can't load above query on it.

  • well, adding two optional parameters to your proc, i'd suggest something like this:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_listcategoryproducts]

    @dolar float,

    @katid int,

    @sayfano int,

    --used to set group size of paging

    @BatchSize int = 10,

    --used to decide which batch to get

    @WhichPage int = 1



    with myurun




    (ROW_NUMBER()over(order by UrunKategoriID))as sirano,







    when UrunKDVDurumID=1 then 'KDV Dahil'

    else '+KDV'

    end as KDVDurum,

    dbo.f_urunfiyati(UrunKDVDurumID,UrunParaTipi,UrunFiyat,@dolar) as ToplamTutar,


    when UKampanya=1 then 'Indirimli'

    end as indirim,


    when UKampanya=1 then dbo.f_indirimlifiyat(UrunKDVDurumID,UIndirim,UrunParaTipi,UrunFiyat,@dolar)

    when UKampanya=0 then '0'

    end as indirimlifiyat,


    when UrunParaTipi=1 then 'TL'

    else '$'

    end as ParaTipi

    from Urunler where UrunKategoriID=@katid


    select * from myurun

    WHERE sirano BETWEEN (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1)) AND (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1)) + @BatchSize

    END --PROC


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • oh. thank you so much. this is what i want. Reaaly so thanks.

    i tried

    "select * from myurun

    WHERE sirano BETWEEN (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1)) AND (@BatchSize * (@WhichPage -1)) + @BatchSize


    part all using

    declare @Bas=....



    that is i declared a query was giving error.

    Thanks again.

  • CELKO (12/29/2010)

    sa.ordekci (12/29/2010)

    Hi! i have two tables that are category and products. when i select a catageroy(on my project) i will list products associated with that category. and i do paging on this list. how can i write a stored procedure that do this process?

    i tried to create a temporary table using with #tablename as(...) i list products, but then i couldn't make paging on this temptable.

    please help.Thanks...

    You are missing some basic concepts. Categories are attributes of entities, in this case I would assume that you have "product_cat" and it ought to be a column in the "Products" table.

    Joe, help me to understand. Is he not supposed to have two tables? Or are you mentioning this because he didn't list the key in the Products table?

    As usual, I R confused...

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • Hi. i guess, i wrote something wrong.(also my english is not very well:)) )

    i have 2 table: Category and Products. In products table, there is a field that suply relation with Category table. Its name is categoryid.

    i wrote as paging. Because ,in most of resource article,writings, etc.. i read , this process(showing data like parts, that is not all in one time)is called as paging. so i wrote as paging.

    anyway, i'll take into account things you says.

    Thanks again.

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