Stored Procedure Execution Problems

  • Hello, all. I am relatively new to writing stored procedures, so forgive me if this is a basic question.

    I have an sp that basically uses a series of SQL statements to insert data into a table. If I simply run the script from a SQL window it runs great, but when I compile the SP and try to execute, it hangs.

    Any ideas?



  • I am sure you have done this - so I apologize for suggesting some of the obvious...

    If you copy the code directly into query analyzer from the stored procedure, it works? Was it copied from a working script or retyped? I make plenty of typing mistakes. -- Watch out for "GO" or ";" that complete each thought.

    You may want to put a bunch of print statements in the procedure to narrow down to a point of failure.

    Probably not much help - but a few ideas.


  • quote:

    I have an sp that basically uses a series of SQL statements to insert data into a table. If I simply run the script from a SQL window it runs great, but when I compile the SP and try to execute, it hangs.

    It might be helpful if you can post the code or snippets of it



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks for your responses!

    This is the first part of the sp, with one example of the 'insert into' statements (there are 6 of them and I just didn't show them all):



    CREATE PROCEDURE mnet_riders_load



    --Pull active dataset

    DECLARE @dataset varchar(10)

    set @dataset = (SELECT mnet_dataset from mnet_active_dataset)


    print 'The START TIME is: '+ CONVERT(char(30), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)


    --clear copy/ copy mnet_riders before changing

    DELETE mnet_copy_riders

    INSERT INTO mnet_copy_riders

    SELECT * FROM mnet_riders

    DELETE mnet_riders


    --Update PreK Language riders assigned as Pickup s/b Delivery

    Update mnet_riderlist

    set RouteType = 'DELIVERY'

    --SELECT StudentID, RouteType, RouteName, Activity

    FROM mnet_riderlist

    WHERE UPPER(Activity) like '%PRE-K%AM%' AND

    Left(RouteName,1) IN('P','S') AND

    RouteType = 'PICKUP'


    --STEP 1: Pull all students with 2 N/A records into mnet_riders

    INSERT INTO mnet_riders

    SELECT DISTINCT @dataset, a.StudentID, a.LastName, a.FirstName, a.SchoolNo, a.Grade, a.PC1, a.PC2,

    a.CensusGroup, a.ResidenceAddress, a.Eligibility, a.SchoolName, a.Activity, a.StopName,

    '','', a.RouteName, a.RouteType, a.VehicleID, a.BusType, a.DriverName, a.Assistant

    FROM mnet_riderlist a INNER JOIN

    (SELECT b.StudentID

    FROM mnet_riderlist b

    GROUP BY b.StudentID, b.LastName, b.FirstName, b.SchoolNo, b.Grade, b.PC1, b.PC2, b.CensusGroup,

    b.ResidenceAddress, b.Eligibility, b.SchoolName, b.Activity, b.StopName, b.RouteName,

    b.RouteType, b.VehicleID, b.BusType, b.DriverName, b.Assistant

    HAVING b.StopName='N/A' AND Count(b.StudentID)=2) T1

    ON a.StudentID = T1.StudentID

    print 'N/A records added...'



    If I run the entire script (minus the 'Create Procedure As' of course) in the query analyzer window, it runs beautifully, in a little over 1 minute. The 'print' statements all show up when it is finished, however, as shown below:



    The START TIME is: May 20 2003 10:51AM

    (0 row(s) affected)

    (61649 row(s) affected)

    (61649 row(s) affected)

    (0 row(s) affected)

    (18517 row(s) affected)

    N/A records added...

    (145 row(s) affected)

    Votran records added...

    (4459 row(s) affected)

    Eligible Not Requesting records added...

    (38528 row(s) affected)

    (38530 row(s) affected)

    P&D Same Stop...

    (589 row(s) affected)

    (666 row(s) affected)

    P&D Different Stops...

    (96 row(s) affected)

    Delivery Only records added...

    (27 row(s) affected)

    Pickup Only records added...

    The END TIME is: May 20 2003 10:52AM



    If I open the query window and type 'Exec mnet_riders_load' it hangs up.

    Does that help?

    Thanks so much for your assistance...


  • Well, at first sight I thought SELECT DISTINCT @dataset might cause the problem, but at quick test has proven me wrong.

    Have you tried putting in some @@error check in your proc to see where it hangs like

    DECLARE @ErrorSave INT

    SET @ErrorSave = 0

    do some action..

    -- Save any non-zero @@ERROR value.

    IF (@@ERROR <> 0)

    SET @ErrorSave = @@ERROR

    RETURN @ErrorSave




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Have you try to debug sp on the server.

  • Well, it appears that my SQL syntax was just taxing the server too much.

    I changed from












    ...and it runs fine. I still don't know why it will run the old way in the explorer window but not with an execute command.

    Thanks everyone, for your assistance.

  • Ali,

    If you are doing a GROUP BY you can drop the DISTINCT. This may speed it up a bit as well.


  • Ali,

    Be careful of your insert statements as well. If the order of the columns changes from either your select * or your insert into your code will fail.

    If you explicitly state your columns in your INSERT INTO TableA (Field1, Field2)

    SELECT FieldC, FieldD from TableZ

    your code should never fail (unless you delete those columns)

    AJ Ahrens


    Revenue Assurance Management - AT&T

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks for your tips! I need them!


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