Stored procedure Error converting data type varchar to bigint

  • The thing is:

    The command EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'FSUTIL VOLUME DISKFREE E:\' returns the following recordset on my laptop:

    Total free bytes : 1,716,875,264 ( 1.6 GB)
    Total bytes : 16,503,533,568 (15.4 GB)
    Total quota free bytes : 1,716,875,264 ( 1.6 GB)

    There is no " # of " in it at all, so the script you're trying to use will return zeros for all my drives.

    And when you extract  REPLACE(SUBSTRING(INFO, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') from the string, you're getting "10,968,320 (118.0 GB)", which is not right, and cannot be converted to bigint.

    The script must be way smarter than this.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • @homrebrew01

    you are right. Even same 2019 versions giving me an error on some servers and some servers it's working fine and sending an alert. something fishy going with the script.

    Let me know if you have any thoughts or idea to change the script.

    anyway thank you and best ahead.

  • Once again, it's not about SQL Server versions, it's about the formatting returned by OS commands.

    Which depends on OS versions and locales.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • SQlLogic wrote:


    you are right. Even same 2019 versions giving me an error on some servers and some servers it's working fine and sending an alert. something fishy going with the script.

    Let me know if you have any thoughts or idea to change the script.

    anyway thank you and best ahead.

    I gave you an alternative command - did  you tried it? and did  you try parsing its output?

    I'm assuming it works regardless of drive type - but needs to be tested by yourself on your servers.

    one thing you need to do regardless - stop using hardcoded substrings and search for the position of the delimiters - : and ( and parse the data inbetween.

    and the strings to search for also vary with FSUTIL  - contrary to the alternative I gave


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