stored procedure creation error: already an object named xxx in the database

  • just my 2ct

    Maybe you should uncheck the sp as startup-sp before you drop it ?

    if exists (select 1 from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_schedule_status_reset]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)


    EXEC master..sp_procoption 'sp_schedule_status_reset','startup','false'

    drop procedure [dbo].[sp_schedule_status_reset]




    use the alter procedure syntax


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  • By any chance, do you have a table named the same thing as your stored proc? I have received the error message when I try to create an object such as a SP and the name is exactly the same as the table.

  • I apologize that this is about to hard to read, but I can't get this site to keep my spaces. Let's try this again -- I can't recreate this problem on any of my other servers, so I don't think that there is an easy answer -- I am trying to find out how to find an object that I can't find using Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer but that the system seems to think is out there somewhere. I need to rewrite it, but I can't find it to delete it or alter it, and I can't create a new one because it already exists somewhere -- I just can't find it (or any other object by the same name). I know the SQL to create, drop, and alter is correct because they work on another server, so I don't expect the problem to be there (but I have been known to be wrong from time to time). ----------------------------- All of the following scripts are being run as owner and administator in the master db. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a new one:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_schedule_status_reset] AS ....(script posted earlier).... --> There is already an object named 'sp_schedule_status_reset' in the database. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for it: select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'sp_schedule_status_reset') --> (null) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to delete it: drop procedure [dbo].[sp_schedule_status_reset] -->

    Cannot drop the procedure 'dbo.sp_schedule_status_reset', because it does not exist in the system catalog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tried changing it to not startup :

    EXEC master..sp_procoption 'sp_schedule_status_reset','startup','false' --> The object 'sp_schedule_status_reset' does not exist in database 'master'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Try to alter it:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_schedule_status_reset]

    WITH recompile

    AS ....(same as earlier create script) --> Invalid object name 'dbo.sp_schedule_status_reset'. ------------------------------------------------------- Try to create it again: --> There is already an object named 'sp_schedule_status_reset' in the database. ---------------------------------------------------------------

    All of the above SQL statements work on another server, just not on this one. Is there somewhere other than the the sysobjects table that I might find this?

  • I had this exact same problem on one (and only one) of my servers.

    Your not going to like my solution. I got tired of fighting it and reinstalled SQL server. Problem solved.

    Have you thought about calling microsoft?

  • Reinstalling SQL Server is a bit drastic -- this is a production server, and (for some reason) they frown on downtime.

    Guess I'll try Microsoft -- just wanted to see if there was something I was missing first.

  • I can almost guarantee that you have a non-sproc object that has the same name as your sproc.  You can check this by running:

    select  *

    from  sysobjects so (nolock)

    Where Like '%' + <TableName> + '%'

    Check the xtype column (see BOL keyword sysobjects for descriptions)

    Signature is NULL

  • Why can't you try


    If you are 100% sure that the proc is there and you can't see it try this and see what it gives you


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Invisible stored procedre


    Use the object search in your SQL Query Analyser and right click on the sp name ,press edit ,and do your modifications there




  • select * from sysobjects so (nolock) where like '%sp_schedule_status_reset%' --> (null)

  • select * from sysobjects so (nolock) where like '%sp_schedule_status_reset%' --> (null)

  • Query Analyzer Object Search on all object types on all db returned nothing. Alter procedure.... --> invalid object name. Create procedure --> There is already an object named sp_schedule_status_reset in tahe database. .

  • I know that someone said to reinstall SQL, which is a bit drastic but may need to be done but have you tried just rebooting the server? Maybe start here?

  • Maybe defeat it with it's own weapons ?

    use master

    select object_id('sp_schedule_status_reset') as The_Nasty_One




    Learn to play, play to learn !

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    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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  • Already tried rebooting the server -- no luck. Select object_id ('sp_schedule_status_reset') as The_Nasty_One --> (null)

  • Take a look at this article - Seems like your issue - can you do the workaround?;en-us;827448&Product=sql2k

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