Stored procedure and ODBC

  • We have some data source configured with ODBC connection.

    Is there anyway I can use inside stored procedure to access this ODBC data source and copy them over to local SQL server.  ( Not the DTS import/export package)






  • Create a linked server to the ODBC data source and use the linked server in your stored procedure or use OPENROWSET keyword..  Check OPENQUERY and/or OPENROWSET in BOL.


  • My ODBC data source is DB2, no OLE DB lib provided by MS to build the linkdb.

    Is there any other solution for Stored Procedure.

    If DTS is the way, Can I define cursor inside DTS so that I can see each record I pumped.


  • Won't Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driver work?

    Since DTS can 'see' your ODBC, I'm sure you could create a liked server to it.

    I'd stay clear of cursors in DTS.  Use ActiveX instead.


  • Joseph,

    You are right, OLE DB for ODBC driver works for building linkdb for DB2. But Microsoft OLE DB for DB2 would't work.

    DTS connect to ODBC no problem.



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