stored procedure

  • I want a stored procedure for booking a conference hall.

    we are taking the from date and to date from the user .Need to show the available timings for that particular day.


  • I want a stored procedure for booking a conference hall.

    we are taking the from date and to date from the user .Need to show the available timings for that particular day.

    How can one write a stored proc from the information you've shared?

    Can you share base tables structures pls?

    Pradeep Singh

  • the tables we have used are



    CONFFERENCENAME varchar](20)



    CAID int,


    CITYID int,

    BOOKINGDATE datetime,

    FROMTIME varchar(10)

    TOTIME varchar(10)


    REASON varchar(100) ,

    FROMDATE datetime,

    TODATE datetime,


    i want to find the avilable time for booking a conference hall

  • there are too many doubts. First of all, is there only one conference hall? If not, Is there a relation between citiID and LocationID? What are you trying to store in the table CONFERENCEMASTER?

    --Assumption - There is only one conference Hall which can be reserved by only one group at a time

    --I'm not using FROMTIME and TOTIME columns as these can be stored in FROMDATE and TODATE

    --ERP_CONFFERENCEAVAILABLE table contains all booking entries

    create procedure FindAvailability(RequiredFromTime as datetime, RequiredToTime as datetime)


    If (


    where AVAILABILITY <>'A'

    and FromDate between requiredFromTime and RequiredToTime -- Check if the RequiredFromTime is already reserved

    and TODATE between requiredFromTime and RequiredToTime -- Check if the RequiredToTime is already reserved

    ) =0


    Print "Available"



    PRINT "Not Available"


    I guess if you elaborate more, a better solution can be written.(in fact a better table structure can be written based on the requirement) followed by actual queries..

    Pradeep Singh

  • yes,

    for a city we have few locations.i.e. they are related.

    my problem is for a particular day there may be many slots for booking the hall . i also want to show the available slots for a particular day.


  • How are the slots defined? Is each one an hour? You can simply write a query that uses a parameter for the particular meeting hall and a parameter for the date and it will show the times that are registered. Use the front-end to arrange the display and fill in the gaps.

    Or, let's assume there are 7 possible slots in a day 9-10, 10-11, 11-12, 1-2, 2-3,3-4, 4-5. You can number the slots 1-7 and, if you want put them in a look up table, let's call it timeslot.

    Now you write a query with a left join between the timeslot and the booked table that returns nulls for missing times like this:

    SELECT ts.TimeDesc



    FROM dbo.TimeSlot AS ts

    LEFT JOIN Booking AS b

    ON ts.TimeSlotId = b.TimeSlotId

    WHERE b.Date = @Date

    AND b.Hall = @Hall

    You could even do this without a table by defining the TimeSlots as a CTE or a sub-query that groups time across a day. It's more work, but less structure to maintain.

    However, the requirements are still a bit vague. Remember, the TSQL is supposed to retrieve data, not supply formatting so to get a full display of a day of timeslots, etc., you should rely on application code using the database as a storage and retrieval mechanism.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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