Stored Procedure

  • I need to pass a set of data to a single

    parameter of the Sproc.


    spStock @Company,@Year

    For the Company, I need to pass more than

    one company from the front end and use the company parameter in

    the IN Statement.

    Select * from Stock Where Company IN ('A','B') and Year = '2004'

    If I pass I get the sproc as

    spStock ''A'',''B'','2004'


    spStock 'A,B','2004'

    How to use this.

  • SQL Server will not allow you to say

    Select * from Table where ColumnName in (@Paramater)

    Options include:

    1) Use dyanmic SQL:

    declare @DynSQL varchar(1000)

    declare @Company varchar(1000) --Parameter declaration would be in proc declaration

    set @Company = "A, B" --Parameter would be sent in this format

    set @DynSQL = "Select * from Stock where Company in (" + @Company + ")"

    print @DynSQL


    Disadvantage is that the user has to have rights to execute whatever is in the @DynSQL statement in addition to rights to execute the stored procedure.

    2) You may be able to send the companies in as XML and parse them using SQLXML. I'm not quite as familiar with this concept.

    3) Send the companies in as a comma-delimited string and then parse them into a temporary table of just ids. You could then join Stocks to your temp table in your query.


  • Not terribly scalable, but you could use a temporary table to do this. For example:

    CREATE TABLE #params (ParamValue varchar(5) not null)

    INSERT INTO #params('A')

    INSERT INTO #params('B')

    EXEC spStock '2004'

    DROP TABLE #params

    Then, in your stored procedure,

    SELECT s.*

    FROM Stock s

    INNER JOIN #params p ON s.Name = p.ParamValue

    WHERE Year = @YearParam

    Since temporary tables with single #'s are connection specific, multiple connections could all be running the same query concurrently w/o contention or clashes.

    -- Mitch


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