Store Procedure Help

  • I am trying to develop a script that will read username in table A and insert them into table B. I would also like the script to to compare the value in table A with table B and if they match then don't insert that user ID. I need some help in writing the code that will do the username check before it's inserted into tableB. Below I have posted what i have so far...all this does it iterate through table A for the usernames to insert into table B no comparison is done, so I will end up with duplicate usernames. Your help is greatly appreciate.

    Create Procedure AddNewUser



    DECLARE @userids Table


    ID Int identity(1,1),

    UserName varchar(50)


    Declare @maxid int

    Declare @row int

    Declare @UserNamevarchar(50)

    Declare @inst nvarchar(256)

    Declare @user nvarchar(256)

    declare @now datetime

    Insert into @userids


    Select UserName

    From TableA

    Set @maxid = (select MAX(id) from @userids)

    Set @row = 0

    While @row < @maxid
    Set @row = @row + 1
    Set @userid = (Select UserName from @Userids where id = @row)

    set @inst = 'CompanyName' --always the same

    set @User = @UserName --User name to insert

    set @now = getdate()

    exec Set_SecurityProfile --Used to update Table B and others




  • First of all, don't Iterate, loop, use Cursors or WHILE loops. I understand that that may seem natural and instinctive, but it's an instinct that will lead you astray. You should always try to find the set-based way to deliver solution in SQL. (For more on this see my articles [/url]on this)

    Secondly, here's a better way to do it. It's probably not the best way, but we would need more information for that.

    Create Procedure AddNewUser



    DECLARE @userids Table


    ID Int identity(1,1),

    UserName varchar(50)


    Insert into @userids(UserName)

    Select UserName

    From TableA

    Where NOT UserName IN(

    Select TargetUsername

    from TargetTableName


    Declare @sql as NVarchar(MAX)

    Set = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + '

    EXEC Set_SecurityProfile






    FROM @userids

    Print @sql--note: displayed text (including PRINT) gets cut-off

    -- somewhere between 256 & 8000 characters.

    EXEC @sql

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • First, save off a distinct set of users in a temp table, then insert where they do not already exist. This is the set-based approach. No need to use loops or cursors.





    group by


    insert into dbo.TableB(





    from#users as U

    wherenot exists (


    fromdbo.TableB as sub

    wheresub.[user_name] = U.[user_name]


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