Store Procedure

  • Hi ,

    Can anybody let me know that a store procedure was running till yesterday but doesn't today. What can be the reason and how can we fix it?


  • Without more information, we'd just be guessing, so ...

    What error message are you getting, if any?

    Has the account that runs the procedure changed? (new permissions, new password,...)

    Can you drop and re-add the proc?

    Have any of the tabels, views, indexes, or triggers related to the proc changed?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thanks,l

    Actually, I am not receiving any error.

  • OK, no error message. So, when you say 'the proc isn't running any more', what exactly does that mean?

    How does the proc get invoked? Can you run it from Enterprise Manager? How do you know the proc doesn't run? Could it be that the proc executes but no longer returns results as expected? That's a potentially different problem than non-execution. Without more information, there's not a lot of help anyone can provide.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • David is right here. Your explanation of what is happening doesn't help us give you a place to start.

    Can anybody let me know that a store procedure was running till yesterday but doesn't today

    We need to know what you mean by 'it doesn't run today'. How do you know it didn't run? What clued you into that? Without more info, we can't be of much help.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • yeah, Provide some more information.

  • Have you written any bulk logic within the stored procedure or getting the resultset from the table. There may be the chances of blocking / locking of tables also.

    If bulk Insert/Update/Delete operation is there then you have to review it.

    If you are getting the resultset then check the tables, joins, indexes on tables.

    You can take the help of SQL profiler/ Execution plan to review your stored procedure.

  • I am surprised this post did not provoke some witticism about the clarity of the problem presented so I too will hold my tongue...

    Junior - we really need more information about what your problem is

    "doesn't work" could be a whole number of things

    - we have established your procedure isn't erroring out (right?)

    did you check modify_date (just in case!)

    if there are parameters, did the program(s) which invoke the procedure change - someone inadvertedly changed something about the parameters

    see what changed about the processes which invoke this procedure - ask around

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