Stopped getting newsletter

  • This is a test post. I subscribed to this forum to see if I get an email.

  • Did it work?

    The newsletter likely is caught in a filter. We recently adeded the DKIM flag to it, which Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail want, but other than that, no change.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (2/23/2010)

    Did it work?

    The newsletter likely is caught in a filter. We recently adeded the DKIM flag to it, which Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail want, but other than that, no change.

    Once I subscribed to a forum, I got 1 notification yesterday. This morning I had dozens and I got the newletter again. Seems all is well. Got to have the newsletter.:-D

  • Three of us here at work stopped receiving our daily (and weekly) newsletters after February 9th. Your webmaster, and support technician(s), haven't been any help. Our support technicians, of course, say that nothing changed in that timeframe.

    I have tested, and also no longer receive posting notifications.

    I'll pass on the addition of the DKIM flag to our Exchange people, but don't hold out much hope. Our filtering software isn't blocking the emails, and our logs show that we stopped receiving the emails after the 9th, until your webmaster replied to my complaint, earlier in the week.

    We use Ironport for our spam filter; it has no problem with your site, although I noticed a puzzling thing, when I entered your URL: compared to a week ago, your traffic is down between 26% and 31% (two observations, a day apart). Perhaps we're not the only ones missing email?

  • I don't know, but I'll pass this along.

  • Thanks, Steve.

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