Stop snapshot agent?

  • The snapshot agent started to run a 2nd time because the schedule was not properly set. If I stop the agent will that stop replication? It is transactional, we used a backup to reinitialize the subscriber, no witness, and the distribution database is on the same server as the subscription database.



  • To answer my own question, yes. Replication is still working.



  • DKlein (2/3/2012)

    To answer my own question, yes. Replication is still working.




    The snapshot is not needed when initialising from a backup. I would even go so far as disabling it so can manually control when its done.

  • Once a subscription has been initialised, you do not need any snapshots to be created. So, you can either disable the snapshot agent job or delete its schedule. It will only be needed if you have a need to initialise a subscription (using a snapshot, of course. If you use a database backup, the snapshot is not required)

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