April 16, 2012 at 1:55 pm
We have a 2-node active/passive cluster set up for SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2. We have only one instance with Drive letters.
Now, our requirement is to build new Server and add it to the existing cluster and make it as a 3-node a/a/p cluster.
And need to install one more SQL instance on node 3 using Mount points.
Could you please advise me the order of steps to acheive this?
April 16, 2012 at 3:35 pm
Firstly, check my guide at this[/url] link for information on creating and using mount points in a cluster.
So, the steps required are as follows;
1/ deploy new windows server using exactly the same OS configuration as the current cluster nodes.
2/ add the new node to the Windows cluster.
3/ ensure that all current and new storage is presented to the cluster nodes.
4/ setup mounts points and configure into the cluster as detailed in my guide.
5/ Run the cluster verification wizard and ensure success
6/ install new instance to primary node then run add node wizard on extra nodes.
"Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉
April 20, 2012 at 12:56 pm
Thanks Perry.
What is the best practice to configure Mount points for SQL Server 2008 R2
I'm offered with two options:
Take a 500 GB LUN fron SAN and then create a root drive with 1gb and create 4 mount points for data, logs, tempdb and backups under the same drive.
with this option, I noticed that there is no option to add a mount point as dependency on root drive.
2. Create a root drive with 1 gb and then have 4 mount points and each mount point is a different LUN on SAN.
with this method, I can add mount point as a dependent on root drive as explained in the below link:
please advise.
April 21, 2012 at 12:58 am
gmamata7 (4/20/2012)
Thanks Perry.What is the best practice to configure Mount points for SQL Server 2008 R2
You're welcome, if you reference the links in my article there is detail in there for MS recommended setups.
gmamata7 (4/20/2012)
Take a 500 GB LUN fron SAN and then create a root drive with 1gb and create 4 mount points for data, logs, tempdb and backups under the same drive.
Absolutely pointless, you may as well leave it as one large disk and just create folders for your files!
gmamata7 (4/20/2012)
Create a root drive with 1 gb and then have 4 mount points and each mount point is a different LUN on SAN.
Yes, for I\O separation your root drive and mount volumes should all be separate disks. Keep the root drive small, no more than 100MB.
"Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉
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