Start/Stop of a Time Series

  • Greetings


    Is there an elegant way to generate the resultset indicated from the data described below?


    CREATE TABLE tmpStateSeries


    rowSeq int,

    stateDT smalldatetime,

    FStateID int,

    BStateID int


    Sample Data:

    rowSeq  stateDT               FStateID   BStateID

    1          2006.04.01 00:00  1              3

    2          2006.04.01 00:15  1              3

    3          2006.04.01 01:30  1              3

    4          2006.04.03 08:45  1              3

    5          2006.04.03 21:30  1              3

    6          2006.04.04 09:30  1              1

    7          2006.04.04 09:45  1              3

    8          2006.04.10 13:00  2              3

    9          2006.04.10 13:15  2              3

    Desired resultset:

    fromDate              thruDate             FStateID  BStateID

    2006.04.01 00:00  2006.04.03 21:30  1            3

    2006.04.04 09:30  2006.04.04 09:30  1            1

    2006.04.04 09:45  2006.04.04 09:45  1            3

    2006.04.10 13:00  2006.04.10 13:15  2            3

    The resultset essentially needs to list the start/stop dates whenever a change occurs in either the FStateID or the BStateID.

    The rowSeq was included in an attempt to use rowSeq +/- 1 to find the row before the start of an F/B state change and is not required in any part of the solution.



  • Try the links below for conversion codes and known issues to get started.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks but the semantics/syntax are more of the issue.  I am almost certain there is a way to do this without an iterative procedural solution (i.e. pure set-based SQL nirvana)...  I already have an ugly query and an interative process that both 'work' but are subject to performance issues down the road.  There are currently 5M rows in the stateSeries table and it will be growing.

  • CREATE TABLE #StateSeries


    rowSeq int,

    stateDT smalldatetime,

    FStateID int,

    BStateID int


    Insert Into #StateSeries (rowSeq, stateDT, FStateID, BStateID)

    SELECT 1, '2006-04-01 00:00', 1, 3


    SELECT 2, '2006-04-01 00:15', 1, 3


    SELECT 3, '2006-04-01 01:30', 1, 3


    SELECT 4, '2006-04-03 08:45', 1, 3


    SELECT 5, '2006-04-03 21:30', 1, 3


    SELECT 6, '2006-04-04 09:30', 1, 1


    SELECT 7, '2006-04-04 09:45', 1, 3


    SELECT 8, '2006-04-10 13:00', 2, 3


    SELECT 9, '2006-04-10 13:15', 2, 3

    SELECT Min(start) as Start, ISNULL(Finish, MAX(Start)), FStateID, BStateID

    FROM (

    select t1.stateDT as Start, MIN(t2.stateDT) as Finish, T1.FStateID, T1.BStateID

    FROM #StateSeries T1

    LEFT JOIN #StateSeries t2 on (T1.FStateID T2.FStateID OR T1.BStateID T2.BStateID)

    and t1.stateDT < t2.stateDT

    GROUP BY t1.stateDT, T1.FStateID, T1.BStateID

    ) DT

    GROUP BY Finish, FStateID, BStateID

    ORDER BY Start

    drop table #StateSeries

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • this is just an idea:


    you could use a calculated column seperate out the date and time

    then use min(date) and min(Time) and group them

    then UNION

    and use max(date) and max(Time) and group them

    and order the result of the union buy date and time





  • Sergiy - very, very close but the thruDate [ ISNULL(Finish, MAX(Start)) ] in your SELECT is actually the start of the next FStateID/BStateID series instead of the end of the current series.

    I got to this point and introduced the rowSeq column & another self JOIN on dt.rowSeq = t3.rowSeq + 1 in an attempt to get the actual end of the FStateID/BStateID series but that left me with the last group sans thruDate (or the first group sans fromDate if I used -1).

    Garry - still looking at yours...

  • It was so easy, I could not believe you could not modify my query to get the result you wanted:

    SELECT Min(start) as Start,  MAX(Start) as thruDate , FStateID, BStateID

    FROM (

    select t1.stateDT as Start, MIN(t2.stateDT) as Finish, T1.FStateID, T1.BStateID

    FROM #StateSeries T1

    LEFT JOIN #StateSeries t2 on (T1.FStateID <> T2.FStateID OR T1.BStateID <> T2.BStateID)

     and t1.stateDT < t2.stateDT

    GROUP BY t1.stateDT, T1.FStateID, T1.BStateID

    ) DT

    GROUP BY Finish, FStateID, BStateID

    ORDER BY Start

    That's it.

    Don't be afraid to play with smbdy's else suggessions. It's not a chapter from Bible, you can change it in any way you like.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    If you think you can't believe it you won't believe how unbelievable it is to me!  I played with that thing until my eyes bled!!  I guess I couldn't see the forest for the trees...

    Of course, there are more trees in this forest than what I have divulged and this is part of the decomposition of a query that currently contains DATEADDs in the JOINs, DATEPARTs in the WHERE, CASEs in the SELECT referencing views of views of views (yes, 3 layers deep!).

    Thank you

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