"Starts with" in Full-Text search

  • Hi,

    How can I use full text to perform "Starts with" search with FTI that will search only the first word in data.


    I have a Users table (UserID int, Name varchar(1000)).

    There is a FTI on this table.

    Say the user's name is "John Smith".

    I want to implement a logic that when user enters only 1 symbol then I will return only the Users for which Name column data starts with that symbol (like LEFT(Name, 1) = 'J').

    Now when I use CONTAINS(Name, '"S*"') "John Smith" is also returned, but it shouldn't.

    Thanks in advance.

    - Name?
    - Abu Dalah Sarafi.
    - Sex?
    - 3 times a week!
    - No, no. Male or Female?
    - Male, female, sometimes camel...

  • Any reason why you have to do it with FTS?

    WHERE Name LIKE 'S%' sounds like a reasonable alternative to me!

    And no I don't know how to do that in FTS!

  • I don't want to use LIKE because the table contains more than 2 million rows. It makes the query to run very slow.

    - Name?
    - Abu Dalah Sarafi.
    - Sex?
    - 3 times a week!
    - No, no. Male or Female?
    - Male, female, sometimes camel...

  • Like I said I'm not a FTS guru but I know enough to have a real good guess that FTS can't really fare any better than like 'S%'

    What's the full query? Do you have an index on that column?

    Please post the actual execution plan so we can have a look at it.

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