Starting Sql server agent

  • my windows login do not have previleges to restart SqlServerAgent from enterprise manager.

    So I logged in with sa password from query analyzer and executed the following command

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_ServiceControl 'START', 'SQLServerAgent'

    Received the following message after the execution

    StartService() returned error 0, 'The operation completed successfully.'

    but the service still did not start.

    What should I do to start this service from Query analyzer?


  • Have you refreshed the agent status in EM? It probably won't auto-update just based on a query in QA.

  • Yes, I also reopened the enterprise manger and also none of the jobs did not run as well. Checked Job run times.

    Tring to start enterprise manger with a sa account.

    Getting the error

    Unable to logon:

    Login Failiure:unknown user name and password.

  • Have you checked the windows error logs? There should be something in there to explain this behavior.

  • I don't see anything in sqlserver error log as well.

  • sql_novice_2007 (6/27/2011)

    I don't see anything in sqlserver error log as well.

    I was thinking more about the windows logs.

  • sa may not have privileges to start Agent. Agent is a separate service, and controlled from Windows. The sa account is limited to just SQL Server, and any action to start a service would depend on the database engine service account having the rights to start the agent service, which it may not have.

    If you don't have the rights to the service, can you ask someone else to start the service, and then perhaps either grant you, or the SQL engine service account, the rights to do so?

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