Starting Point For SSIS Package Template

  • I am investigating creating an SSIS package template for our organization. What is a good starting point? Creating a template with variables and a connection to the configuration database? Include logging/custom logging and error-handling? Error-handling would be on the entire package, right?

    Any guidance on this topic would be greatly appreciated. I know how to create the package template. I am just wondering about the components/tasks that I need to put in the package template.


  • The template package that we use contains;

    - a number of variables that are used for logging and error handling

    - an initial execute sql task that logs the start of the package to an audit table

    - a final execute sql task that logs the completion of the package and any errors associated with it

    -A generic container that holds the data flow that has error handling attached to it with a send email task setup

    -Error handling on the whole package that logs to and error table

    -A smtp connection

    so all we have to do when creating a new package is create the dataflow and set the emailto and emailfrom variables to have a complete package.

    Overall this works well and has cut development time

  • Thanks, SteveB.

  • Wonderful Steve.

    Raunak J

  • steveb. (9/20/2011)

    The template package that we use contains;

    - a number of variables that are used for logging and error handling

    - an initial execute sql task that logs the start of the package to an audit table

    - a final execute sql task that logs the completion of the package and any errors associated with it

    -A generic container that holds the data flow that has error handling attached to it with a send email task setup

    -Error handling on the whole package that logs to and error table

    -A smtp connection

    so all we have to do when creating a new package is create the dataflow and set the emailto and emailfrom variables to have a complete package.

    Overall this works well and has cut development time

    I have about the same. I have also a connection manager to the configuration table, and usually a connection manager to the log database and optionally one for the MSDB database (for executing child packages).

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Thanks, guys.

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