August 20, 2006 at 4:55 am
I want to know how do we start a sevice on a remote server from command promt without logging into the server using the terminal service sitting on a client machine and logging into the domain in which the server also resides.
Typically starting SQL Server sevice or agent service or for that matter any service on the server like tack scheduler.
August 20, 2006 at 4:56 am
By remote sevice I mean service on a remote sever.
August 20, 2006 at 7:18 am
You can use netsvc if it is installed on your computer.
NETSVC servicename \\computername /command
servicename Name of the service computername Name of the computer to administer. /command One of the following: /query Queries the status of the service. /start Starts the service. /stop Stops the service. /pause Pauses the service. /continue Starts the paused service. /list Lists installed services (omit servicename)
Alternatively, you can use Computer Management. In the command promt type compmgmt.msc. When management console appears, right click on "Computer Management (local)" and select connect to another computer. Type the name of the computer you are dealing with. Navigate to services and applications then services, find service you need.
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