Start Up Stored Procedure

  • Hi,

    we mapped network drive in server for Database Backup.Whenever we are restarting server we are mapping the network drive manually.

    i found Start up stored procedure help me to automate the network drive mapping.

    Is my approach is correct or any other way can i automate the network drive mapping visible across Server restart ?



    I am Learner -- SQL

  • Ask your system admin to create a 'Task Scheduler' to begin this task at start up.

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • if you dont mind can you share any script or batch file to map network drive in start up task.


    I am Learner -- SQL

  • What was the reason for mapping the Network Drive at server startup ? You can ask your system admin to do that as Free_Mascot mentioned.



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