Stairway to Database DevOps Level 2: Manage Code with Red Gate SQL Source Control

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Stairway to Database DevOps Level 2: Manage Code with Red Gate SQL Source Control

  • Erin,

    I find it interesting that this article is focusing on SQL Source Control; I've been advised by RedGate that development on it will cease in a year or so in favor of migration to SQL Flyway. Actually you can read that from them here.

    My take on Flyway is that it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Source Control yet. Also, it has pricing models unlike SQL Source Control which may make a migration to it... expensive.

    Perhaps you might consider doing a comparison / contrast between the two?

  • reynolds_john,

    I had heard rumors that SQL Source Control is going to be phased out for Flyway, however I think it's still good to introduce users to it, if they are already licensed for the SQL Toolbelt using SQL Prompt, SQL Compare and/or SQL Data Compare. With Red Gate still selling SQL Source Control on their website, it seems like they would have a lengthy support period, before requiring users to switch. I would rather see users start on SQL Source Control with a license they already have (sure, don't buy a new license now for it) than not to use source control as all.

    There will be a future level that uses Flyway and will have some comparisons to SQL Source ETA on that though.

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