SSRS table to transpose dataset result

  • Hi,

    I have a dataset result as given below.

    Year Sales Discount Taxes

    ----- ----- -------- ------

    2001 100 25 15

    2002 200 20 15

    2003 150 15 12

    2004 160 25 16

    I want the SSRS table to display output as

    2001 2002 2003 2004

    ---- ---- ---- ----

    Sales 100 200 150 160

    Discount 25 20 15 12

    Taxes 15 15 12 16

    Please let me know if some has tried or some has idea on this

    Thanks in Advance

  • Use a Matrix to pivot your data on the years and add three rows to the detail section of the matrix, one for each of your columns.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I tried the same and found that the columns added in detail part of matrix table were reflecting under each year as columns.

    Let me know if u have any advice on this

  • Because you have the data semi-pivoted already, you will have to go in and manually modify the groupings in the matrix. The default layout will not work.

  • Can u pl help in letting me know what r the manual changes to be made?

    Thanks in Advance


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