SSRS reports

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to group my data in my report so the format looks like:


    + Items Somedata1 Somedata2 ....

    So, when you click on '+' , it expands to show all the rows with that PO number.

    I have the groupings for each row.

    I opened my layout and right clicked on my top row ('1').

    I set the grouping expression to my PO number field in my dataset in the 'General' tab.

    I notice from an example that rows are added sequentially but when I insert a new row below it's still numbered 1.

    I add a table row which displays my report as I want but there's no '+' to expand/contract

    How can I do this?



  • To get the + sign you need to set the visible property as well as the visibility toggle property.

    You'll need to set this for the details group. I believe it's on the visibility tab when you edit the details group.


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  • Thanks Luke,

    However it's not exactly what I need. I have two rows for the same PO Number. What I want to do is have the PO number display once and have each row displayed when the rows are expanded.

    P00001 +

    item1 description1 Deductions1..... end 1

    item2 description2 Deductions2..... end 2

    " " " "

    item n description n Deductions n.....end n

    I'm assuming I need to alter my grouping which I've already done by ponumber and item number but the results are not correct.


  • before you worry with visibility and such I'd suggest you get your grouping straight...

    It seems like you would have 2 group levels...

    Table Group on PO.

    Detail Group on PO/Item

    If you need to do a table header or additional grouping you could even add a second detail group...


    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

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