SSRS Report Security -

  • SSRS 2012  -we have aset of report all using the same data source: XXXXX



    They were developed years ago, but I think when theymigrated from 2008 to 2012 something changed. There are a set of “click through” reports and the report ID clickedthrough to depends on the special failure severity and RFP.(Contract rule). Sowhen the team tested these they may not have ran across the few in the set thatuse embedded SQL Text.  Each of these reportsfail



    Why?  They use the samedata source.  It is definitely thesesmall subset that have trouble, none of the rest. 



    Any clues?




    An error has occurredduring report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

    Query execution failedfor dataset 'ServiceName'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)

    The SELECT permissionwas denied on the object 'ServiceRequired', database 'XXXXX', schema 'dbo'.

  • The error message is telling you the problem here, the user/login the report is running under is being denied permission to select from the object "ServiceRequired" on the database "XXXXX".

    Give the login/user access to select from the object.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Have you checked that the user for the data source has select permission on the ServiceRequired object in the referenced database?

  • Well I cannot check - the DBAs will have to.  I was surprises as the SAME Data Source used by the other data sets which would be accessing the same schema - using procedures.   The obvious was permissions, yes.  Thought maybe somehow the SQL Text vs Procedure was part of the problem but I suspect its is as obvious as it appears.  The DBA(s) maybe only have granted Exec on report procedures - and not granted SELECT on dbo.   Its an inherited solution from 2009.  I'll shift it upstream and not waste my time on it.

    Thanks guys.  Sometimes the obvious is the best answer

  • lnpurdie - Tuesday, August 1, 2017 9:34 AM

    Well I cannot check - the DBAs will have to.  I was surprises as the SAME Data Source used by the other data sets which would be accessing the same schema - using procedures.   The obvious was permissions, yes.  Thought maybe somehow the SQL Text vs Procedure was part of the problem but I suspect its is as obvious as it appears.  The DBA(s) maybe only have granted Exec on report procedures - and not granted SELECT on dbo.   Its an inherited solution from 2009.  I'll shift it upstream and not waste my time on it.

    Thanks guys.  Sometimes the obvious is the best answer

    Provided that the owner of the objects is the same and the objects are in the same database, then the permissions would be inherited. If, however, this is not the case, then permission will need to be granted on not only the SP, but any objects which have different owners, or are in a different database. I would suggest that this is the case here.

    Note, cross database ownership does exist, but comes with its own security risks, so is often not switched on, and is not enabled by default.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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