SSRS Report Schedule - getting info from the DB - What do these numbers mean ? -

  • mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:36 PM

    The one below works..... Can someone help me extract the [days] and [January]... please

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]='8',--Please provide how to extract
    [January]='true'--Please provide how to extract
    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    You would just need to select x.y.value('(Days/text())[1]',INT) would you not?  Same way you got the StartDateTime.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • bmg002 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:46 PM

    mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:36 PM

    The one below works..... Can someone help me extract the [days] and [January]... please

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]='8',--Please provide how to extract
    [January]='true'--Please provide how to extract
    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    You would just need to select x.y.value('(Days/text())[1]',INT) would you not?  Same way you got the StartDateTime.

    You were close.. Thx.. But this worked...  


  • You keep changing the XML.  In one post it has a namespace, in the next it has an xsd.

    Based on the latest sample, this will work

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">

    [StartDateTime] = x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'DATETIMEOFFSET'),
    [StartHour] = DATEPART(HOUR, x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'DATETIMEOFFSET')),
    [StartMin] = DATEPART(MINUTE, x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'DATETIMEOFFSET')),
    [Days] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/Days/text())[1]', 'INT'),
    [January] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]', 'BIT')
    FROM @xml.nodes('/ScheduleDefinition') x(y);

    Why do you keep extracting all the values as varchar(???).  Use the correct data types.  SQL is not good at manipulating strings.

  • Listing 1 works
    Listing 2 - I amnot getting a value for the columm January. I know for sure there is a report out there where the <JANUARY>true</JANUARY> exists for sure..

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    --x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]= x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/Days/text())[1]','INT'),
    [January] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [February] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/February/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [March] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/March/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [April] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/April/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [May] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/May/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [June] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/June/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [July] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/July/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [August] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/August/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [September] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/September/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [October] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/October/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [November] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/November/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [December] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/December/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    -- I am not getting any data for the January column

    , getxml AS (
    ReportName = CAT.[Name],
    ExtensionSettings = CAST(ExtensionSettings as XML),
    ReportSchedule = CAST( MatchData as XML )
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS USR
    ON SUB.OwnerID = USR.UserID
    INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
    ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS RS
    ON SUB.Report_OID = RS.ReportID
    AND SUB.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID
    INNER JOIN dbo.Schedule AS SCH
    ON RS.ScheduleID = SCH.ScheduleID
    WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101'
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [January] = c.nd.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')-- provides a NULL
    FROM getxml
    CROSS APPLY ReportSchedule.nodes('//ScheduleDefinition') c(nd)
    ORDER BY 2,1

  • mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:11 PM

    Listing 1 works
    Listing 2 - I amnot getting a value for the columm January. I know for sure there is a report out there where the <JANUARY>true</JANUARY> exists for sure..

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    --x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]= x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/Days/text())[1]','INT'),
    [January] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [February] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/February/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [March] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/March/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [April] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/April/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [May] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/May/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [June] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/June/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [July] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/July/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [August] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/August/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [September] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/September/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [October] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/October/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [November] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/November/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [December] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/December/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    -- I am not getting any data for the January column

    , getxml AS (
    ReportName = CAT.[Name],
    ExtensionSettings = CAST(ExtensionSettings as XML),
    ReportSchedule = CAST( MatchData as XML )
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS USR
    ON SUB.OwnerID = USR.UserID
    INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
    ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS RS
    ON SUB.Report_OID = RS.ReportID
    AND SUB.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID
    INNER JOIN dbo.Schedule AS SCH
    ON RS.ScheduleID = SCH.ScheduleID
    WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101'
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [January] = c.nd.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')-- provides a NULL
    FROM getxml
    CROSS APPLY ReportSchedule.nodes('//ScheduleDefinition') c(nd)
    ORDER BY 2,1

    BTW the XML structure found in the matchdata column is the same what I have included in Listing 1

  • mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:12 PM

    mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:11 PM

    Listing 1 works
    Listing 2 - I amnot getting a value for the columm January. I know for sure there is a report out there where the <JANUARY>true</JANUARY> exists for sure..

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    --x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]= x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/Days/text())[1]','INT'),
    [January] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [February] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/February/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [March] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/March/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [April] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/April/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [May] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/May/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [June] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/June/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [July] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/July/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [August] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/August/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [September] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/September/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [October] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/October/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [November] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/November/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [December] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/December/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    -- I am not getting any data for the January column

    , getxml AS (
    ReportName = CAT.[Name],
    ExtensionSettings = CAST(ExtensionSettings as XML),
    ReportSchedule = CAST( MatchData as XML )
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS USR
    ON SUB.OwnerID = USR.UserID
    INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
    ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS RS
    ON SUB.Report_OID = RS.ReportID
    AND SUB.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID
    INNER JOIN dbo.Schedule AS SCH
    ON RS.ScheduleID = SCH.ScheduleID
    WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101'
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [January] = c.nd.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')-- provides a NULL
    FROM getxml
    CROSS APPLY ReportSchedule.nodes('//ScheduleDefinition') c(nd)
    ORDER BY 2,1

    BTW the XML structure found in the matchdata column is the same what I have included in Listing 1

    You need to apply the namespace to each portion of the path to your data

    [January] = x.y.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/rs:MonthsOfYear/rs:January/text())[1]','BIT')

  • DesNorton - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:21 PM

    mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:12 PM

    mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:11 PM

    Listing 1 works
    Listing 2 - I amnot getting a value for the columm January. I know for sure there is a report out there where the <JANUARY>true</JANUARY> exists for sure..

    declare @xml xml
    SET @xml =
    '<ScheduleDefinition xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <StartDateTime xmlns:xsd="">2015-04-23T08:00:00.000-04:00</StartDateTime>
    <MonthlyRecurrence xmlns:xsd="">
    --x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') as 'StartDateTime',
    [StartHour]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=SUBSTRING( (x.y.value('(StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [Days]= x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/Days/text())[1]','INT'),
    [January] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [February] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/February/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [March] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/March/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [April] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/April/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [May] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/May/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [June] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/June/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [July] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/July/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [August] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/August/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [September] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/September/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [October] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/October/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [November] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/November/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)'),
    [December] = x.y.value('(MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/December/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('ScheduleDefinition') x(y)

    -- I am not getting any data for the January column

    , getxml AS (
    ReportName = CAT.[Name],
    ExtensionSettings = CAST(ExtensionSettings as XML),
    ReportSchedule = CAST( MatchData as XML )
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS USR
    ON SUB.OwnerID = USR.UserID
    INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
    ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS RS
    ON SUB.Report_OID = RS.ReportID
    AND SUB.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID
    INNER JOIN dbo.Schedule AS SCH
    ON RS.ScheduleID = SCH.ScheduleID
    WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101'
    [StartHour]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 12, 2 ),
    [StartMin]=  SUBSTRING( (c.nd.value('(rs:StartDateTime/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(500)')), 15, 2 ),
    [January] = c.nd.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/MonthsOfYear/January/text())[1]','VARCHAR(500)')-- provides a NULL
    FROM getxml
    CROSS APPLY ReportSchedule.nodes('//ScheduleDefinition') c(nd)
    ORDER BY 2,1

    BTW the XML structure found in the matchdata column is the same what I have included in Listing 1

    You need to apply the namespace to each portion of the path to your data

    [January] = x.y.value('(rs:MonthlyRecurrence/rs:MonthsOfYear/rs:January/text())[1]','BIT')

    Great!, That worked..

  • mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:24 PM

    SQLRNNR - Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:54 PM

    I don't see why you needed to spend so much more time on it. I provided a solution that already grabbed the schedules for you.

    Your script does not give me the exact check boxes that the user selected when creating the schedule. So have to use XML

    I will disagree with you on that. I can see the subscription specific details for the boxes that were selected. I have reports that have various different subscriptions and I can tell by looking at the output of the data what was selected for each report. From specific days, to specific months, to specific time intervals, days of month, days of week, and so forth. Looking at what you are attempting to do, you are trying to do the same thing that my script already covers.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • SQLRNNR - Thursday, April 20, 2017 3:35 PM

    mw112009 - Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:24 PM

    SQLRNNR - Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:54 PM

    I don't see why you needed to spend so much more time on it. I provided a solution that already grabbed the schedules for you.

    Your script does not give me the exact check boxes that the user selected when creating the schedule. So have to use XML

    I will disagree with you on that. I can see the subscription specific details for the boxes that were selected. I have reports that have various different subscriptions and I can tell by looking at the output of the data what was selected for each report. From specific days, to specific months, to specific time intervals, days of month, days of week, and so forth. Looking at what you are attempting to do, you are trying to do the same thing that my script already covers.

    You are right. I got mixed up with bmgoo2 spost. Didnt notice the tiny url  you had posted...  YEs, I jujst ran the script and it gives me everything ( or else I can modify ) I need. Thanks. Never mind... good learning experience for me

  • See picture below you can clearly see there are more than 5 subscriptions

    These were added today. Only 2 of them got executed ( They were there before today ). I did purposely edit the picture to take away the email addresses.
    Never mind.. However when I run the following query it shows only a count of 2 for this particular report. Why is that ? Where is the other subscriptions stored ?

      CAT.[Name], count(*)
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
       INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
       ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101' 
    GROUP BY CAT.[Name]
    ORDER BY 1

    I should get a count of 7 don't you think ?

  • mw112009 - Friday, April 21, 2017 12:55 PM

    See picture below you can clearly see there are more than 5 subscriptions

    These were added today. Only 2 of them got executed ( They were there before today ). I did purposely edit the picture to take away the email addresses.
    Never mind.. However when I run the following query it shows only a count of 2 for this particular report. Why is that ? Where is the other subscriptions stored ?

      CAT.[Name], count(*)
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
       INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
       ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    CONVERT(CHAR(8), SUB.LastRunTime, 112 ) > '20170101' 
    GROUP BY CAT.[Name]
    ORDER BY 1

    I should get a count of 7 don't you think ?

    Ahh I found the issue.. Just ignore this .. had to make a correction in the query 

      CAT.[Name], count(*)
    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB
       INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT
       ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID
    CONVERT(CHAR(8), ISNULL(SUB.LastRunTime, GETDATE() ) , 112 ) > '20170101' 
    GROUP BY CAT.[Name]
    ORDER BY 1

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

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