SSRS Report not showing field names

  • Hi

    I have a stored procedure which has 4 parameters.

    Based on the parameters supplied, I am dynamically forming the sql query which is my result query to be executed.

    Its all done.

    I am executing the query using EXEC(@SqlQry) at the end sproc.

    When I execute this sproc in SSMS, executing very well.

    I want to create a report that calls this sproc. After selecting the sproc and clicking the Fields tab, I am getting no fields.

    What is the problem?


    DECLARE @SqlQry NVARCHAR(2000), @SqlQry1 NVARCHAR(500) = ''

    SET @SqlQry1 = CASE WHEN @StartDate IS NOT NULLTHEN 'b.StartDate >= ''' + CAST(@StartDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + ''' AND b.EndDate <= ''' + CAST(@EndDate AS VARCHAR(10)) + '''' ELSE '' END

    SET @SqlQry1 = @SqlQry1 + CASE WHEN @SqlQry1 <> '' AND @BookingName IS NOT NULL THEN ' AND b.BookingName = ''' + @BookingName + ''''

    WHEN @SqlQry1 = '' AND @BookingName IS NOT NULL THEN ' b.BookingName = ''' + @BookingName + '''' ELSE '' END

    SET @SqlQry1 = @SqlQry1 + CASE WHEN @SqlQry1 <> '' AND @HotelId IS NOT NULL THEN ' AND bd.ServiceId = ' + CAST(@HotelId AS VARCHAR(10))

    WHEN @SqlQry1 = '' AND @HotelId IS NOT NULL THEN ' bd.ServiceId = ' + CAST(@HotelId AS VARCHAR(10)) ELSE '' END

    SET @SqlQry = N'SELECT* FROM mytable' + CASE WHEN @SqlQry1 <> '' THEN ' WHERE ' + @SqlQry1 END


  • Try running it once with valid parameters and then hit refresh for the fields list.

    If that doesn't work it may be a bug I've once hit but the circumstances seem very different...

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