Ssrs report ..Exporting to Excel issue

  • I created a drill down report. I have to group columns/fields and set the visibity of some fields.

    In text box property i have set the visibity proprty to hide and display can be toggle on the report item .

    This workd fine in report but when i tried send this report by exporting to excel , the columns does not show in the excel. How can i make it visible after exporting to excel?

  • Think you need to be looking at the hidden property


    or EXCEL in 2008 R2

    - Damian

  • Is this expression written in textboxproperties -> Visibility-> hide expression?

    I have written this expression in above mentioned place , when i do it preview it does not show columns but in excel it does show , is there a way that it shows in both?

  • I've just mocked up a quick report (in report builder)

    Picked a column and set hidden to =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name="EXCELOPENXML",True,False)

    Now exported to Excel and the column is missing as expected

    Is there something else you are doing?

    - Damian

  • the column is missing in "preview" of the report in ssrs .

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