SSRS report

  • Hi,

    I have a requirement in SSRS report where I have to show a checkbox in the report checked based on the value of a table column. Is it feasible in an SSRS report?

  • You could add two images to the report (one a ticked box the other unticked) and use IIF in an expression to decide which image to show.

    Are you using 2008 or 2008R2?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I am using 2008 R2 version.

    Please add some more information on solution so that I can proceed further.

  • In 2008R2 the Indicator was added to the toolbox

    Add this to your report

    Select symbols with the tick for the Indicator type

    Set the value to NULL for no display, 0 for X, 1 for ! and 2 for tick

    The value can be either a field in the dataset or an expression

    You will need to navigate around to find all the properties but you can set size, color etc.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    Any web articles where I can get more detailed help having snapshots?

  • You could also use the Wingdings font

    =iif(somefield = somevalue,þ,¨)



  • I used the Windings font for the two text boxes in the report and used the following expressions for my requirement:

    =iif(count(Fields!Results.Value)=0 OR Fields!FindingsDeleted.Value = 1,chr(0120),"o")


    =iif(count(Fields!Results.Value)>=1 AND Fields!FindingsDeleted.Value = 0,chr(0120),"o")

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