SSRS Multi-Value Prompt

  • I have a multi-value prompt in my SSRS report. I need to include all values selected in this prompt in my page header. How do I do this?

  • Drag and drop the Parameter on the Header .. It will display the value at runtime

  • I dragged and dropped the parameter onto a text box in the page header. It reads "=Parameters!P_ApptType.Value" meaning the multiple Appointment Types. #Error displays in the preview.

  • Try using split and/or join to turn the selections into an array, and then back to a string.

  • bob_levine (8/3/2010)

    I dragged and dropped the parameter onto a text box in the page header. It reads "=Parameters!P_ApptType.Value" meaning the multiple Appointment Types. #Error displays in the preview.

    Do you get that error only in the design mode or in the real execution?

    Do you get the error when you have nothing selected? Or perhaps everything selected?

  • Hello,

    Drag a textbox on the header and use an expression like below.

    =" Sales Report generated for: " & JOIN( Parameters!STATE.Value, ", ")

    This is what I used in my report. I have a sales report for each STATE( a multivalued parameter).

    If I select all the states in the parameter field when I run the report, it shows all the states and when I select a state (let's say CA), it shows only CA on the report header.

    I hope It would give you the idea.


  • I agree with Ganesh's post, use the JOIN function:


  • Ganesh has lead you down the right track. That is exactly what you need to do.

    However, I usually take it a step further. When they select ALL of the states (which is probably fairly common), they probably don't want 50 states listed. Something like "State(s): All" will usually suffice. To do that you just need to compare the parameter count against the dataset count:

    ="State(s): " & iif(Count(Fields!State.Value, "StateDataSet") =

    Parameters!State.Count, "All", join(Parameters!State.Value, ", "))

    This won't do much if they pick every state but one, but choosing every state is far more common.

  • jvanderberg (8/4/2010)

    Ganesh has lead you down the right track. That is exactly what you need to do.

    However, I usually take it a step further. When they select ALL of the states (which is probably fairly common), they probably don't want 50 states listed. Something like "State(s): All" will usually suffice. To do that you just need to compare the parameter count against the dataset count:

    ="State(s): " & iif(Count(Fields!State.Value, "StateDataSet") =

    Parameters!State.Count, "All", join(Parameters!State.Value, ", "))

    This won't do much if they pick every state but one, but choosing every state is far more common.

    Good one, having all states can appear very messy on the header.

    Thank you

  • It's worth mentioning that because my example references a dataset, it can't be used in the header. It can still be placed at the very top of the body, however.

  • You are right.

    We rarely select all 50 states in practice. However, we might have customers only in 7 states or we might sale the product through 7 distribution centers ( in my case) , and the users might want to see the weekly sales data from all the distribution centers or from each location or from any combination.

    So, intensionally I wanted to tell <= 10 state, but missed the number.


  • Ok, that makes sense.

    Typically when I set up a multi-value parameter, the default is to select all. This way they get all the data, but have a flexible filter. When it comes to parts or customers, there's no way I'm going to list of all of them.

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