SSRS grouping and rows display

  • Attached sample proc code that is used by the report.
    I grouped the first 3 columns on the report.
    Within the group rows, I need to hide these 3 columns on all rows except for the last row within the group.
    Desired output in the Sample report image. The yellow highlighted cells should be blank on the report within each group.
    How can i achieve this display.

    -- exec TestRptSample

    Create procedure dbo.TestRptSample

    create table #tmpElections
    ClientId int,
    MaterialType varchar(50),
    QtyReq int,
    QtySent int

    insert into #tmpElections values (1,'MM1',100,50)
    insert into #tmpElections values (2,'MM2',200,50)
    insert into #tmpElections values (2,'MM2',200,25)
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,50)
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,150)
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,100)
    insert into #tmpElections values (4,'MM4',400,300)
    insert into #tmpElections values (4,'MM4',400,100)

    select b.*,a.status
    select ClientId,MaterialType, max(QtyReq) as qtyreq, sum(QtySent) as qtysent
    , case when sum(QtySent)<max(QtyReq) then 'Partial' else 'Full' end as [status]
    from #tmpElections
    group by
    ) A
    inner join #tmpElections B on a.ClientId = b.ClientId and a.MaterialType = b.MaterialType

  • Hi There,

    Do you actually want to sum the qty sent, and then end up with one row per client ID rather than trying to hide rows?

    If so you could simply look at your grouping to achieve this and then end up with a single row per client ID.

    Please feel free to post more info regarding your desired output.


  • No. do not want the sum of qtySent.
    There will be bunch of other columns like DispatchDate, Location for each of those rows which have different values per row.
    The report needs to hide the "group by" columns on the detail rows within the group, except on the last row.

  • Thank you all for your comments and solutions. I was able to solve my problem as below.
    In the procedure, used row_number to generate row numbers within the group by sets.
    On the report, in visibility expressions of the row text boxes, used the following expression to show or hide that column.

    iif(Fields!mStatus.Value="Full" and Fields!Rowno.Value <> Fields!MaxRow.Value ,True,False)

    Create procedure dbo.TestRptSample

    create table #tmpElections
    ClientId int,
    MaterialType varchar(50),
    QtyReq int,
    QtySent int,
    SentDate datetime

    insert into #tmpElections values (1,'MM1',100,50,'02/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (2,'MM2',200,50,'02/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (2,'MM2',200,25,'03/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,50,'02/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,150,'02/15/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (3,'MM3',300,100,'03/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (4,'MM4',400,300,'02/01/2018')
    insert into #tmpElections values (4,'MM4',400,100,'03/01/2018')

    create table #tmpFinal
    ClientId int,
    MaterialType varchar(50),
    QtyReq int,
    QtySent int,
    SentDate datetime,
    mStatus varchar(100),

    Insert into #tmpFinal
    select b.*,a.status
    select ClientId,MaterialType, max(QtyReq) as qtyreq, sum(QtySent) as qtysent
    , case when sum(QtySent)<max(QtyReq) then 'Partial' else 'Full' end as [status]
    from #tmpElections
    group by
    ) A
    inner join #tmpElections B on a.ClientId = b.ClientId and a.MaterialType = b.MaterialType;

    with x as
    select *,
    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by clientId,materialType,qtyReq
    order by sentdate) as Rowno
    from #tmpFinal

    select *
    ,max(rowno) over (partition by clientId,materialType,qtyReq) as MaxRow
    from x
    order by clientId ,sentdate


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