SSRS execution slows dramatically over time

  • Hi. Was wondering if anyone has encountered this before. We're using SSRS/SQL 2005 for several reports. One in particular however seems to slow down in processing - over time. So, right after we deploy it, it runs quickly - in 10 seconds for example. Over a week or so, using the same parameter values, execution will slow down such that even if you let it run for several minutes, you don't get results. It just keeps cranking. So far, the fix seems to be to rename the report's stored procedure, re-build the report then re-deploy it. Then the cycle repeats.

    Any thoughts?



  • Did you eliminate the sored procedure as the culprit in this case. How are the stored procedure run times, on the first day compared to a week after, when you run the Stored proc in sql management studio

  • thats right! sounds more like a procedure problem. try with recompile, just to be sure that a wrong (not optimal) plan is not being stored for subsequent executions

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