SSRS Email Subscription

  • Newbie here in SSRS 🙂
    Is there a way that i can run an email subscription based on column value? 

    Example SQL:
    Select Max(finish_date) from table1

    How can i run an email subscription when Max(finish_date) = today

    Thanks in advance!

  • If you have the enterprise edition of SSRS, you can do it with a data-driven subscription:
    Part of the setup allows for a conditional query, where the subscription will only send if the conditions of the query are met.

  • you could also create a subscription in Standard edition, and use a SQL Agent job to call the subscription job if the criteria is met.

    so assume you create a subscription  that is set up to run once.

    a job in the SQL agent gets created, say with the name "2CDAE955-AF5A-4E38-8017-581FFA2614F8"

    Then you can use TSQL to make a test and run msdb.dbo.sp_start_job; yopu can test for multiple criteria as well:
    IF EXISTS(Select 1 from DatabaseName.SchemaName.table1 WHERE Max(finish_date) > DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), 0)) --midnight
    AND datename(dw,getdate())='Monday'
    EXEC msdb.dbo.[sp_start_job] @job_name = '2CDAE955-AF5A-4E38-8017-581FFA2614F8'


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • also i use this proc to update the job description of SSRS subscriptiosn to have the report name; makes it a LOT easier to track down.
    it uses dynamic SQL because the shop i work at uses names other than the default database names for SSRS:
    IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[sp_fix_ssrsjobs]') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_fix_ssrsjobs]
    -- modifies the Description of any SSRS jobs that are related to SSRS subscriptions to contain the SSRS report name
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_fix_ssrsjobs
       DECLARE @val VARCHAR(128);
       IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#Results]') IS NOT NULL
       DROP TABLE [dbo].[#Results]
       CREATE TABLE #Results(DBName VARCHAR(128) );
       --report server databases were renamed in some cases.
       EXEC sp_msforeachdb '
       IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [?].sys.tables WHERE name=''Catalog'' )
       AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [?].sys.views WHERE name=''ExecutionLog2'')
        INSERT INTO #Results(DBName)
        SELECT ''[?]'' AS DBName';

        --cursor definition
        select DBName from #Results;
        --the cursor below willfix any job descriptions that point to a report in the Report Server databases
        open c1;
        fetch next from c1 into @val;
        While @@fetch_status <> -1
        SELECT @cmd =
        DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(MAX);
        WITH MyCTE
         ''UPDATE msdb.dbo.sysjobs set description = ''''SSRS Report Subscription: ''
         + e.path COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + Char(13) + Char(10) + e.NAME COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS + '''''' WHERE job_id = '''''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), b.job_id) + '''''';'' AS Fix
         FROM ' + @val + '.dbo.ReportSchedule a
           INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs b
              ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), a.ScheduleID) = b.NAME
           INNER JOIN ' + @val + '.dbo.ReportSchedule c
              ON b.NAME = CONVERT(VARCHAR(40), c.ScheduleID)
           INNER JOIN ' + @val + '.dbo.Subscriptions d
              ON c.SubscriptionID = d.SubscriptionID
           INNER JOIN ' + @val + '.dbo.Catalog e
              ON d.report_oid = e.itemid
         SELECT @cmd = s.Colzs
            Colzs = STUFF((SELECT '';'' + Fix
                 FROM MyCTE
                 ORDER BY Fix
                 FOR XML PATH(''''), TYPE).value(''.'',''varchar(max)''),1,1,'''')
           ) s
           PRINT @cmd
           EXECUTE (@cmd)
        print @cmd;
        exec (@cmd)
        fetch next from c1 into @val;
        close c1;
        deallocate c1;

      END -- PROC



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks much for your replies 🙂 Used a data driven subscription with conditional query specified. Now its all good!

  • Data Driven Subscriptions were Reason #1 we first transition to Enterprise Edition.  I've been using them for years now.  How you are applying them now is one great example of their effectiveness.  If you haven't yet, look into using them to send the same reports to various recipients with varied data.  Very cool!

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