SSRS Compared to BO''s Crystal Reports

  • We are thinking of the option of migrating from Crystal Reports to SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services) as it would prove out to be a cost effective solution(as we are already using SQL server as our DB and have licences for it).But wanted to know is SSRS at par with Crystal Reports in all the functionalities that it offers??? Or is there something specific about Crystal Reports which would hold us back from doing so.

  • What I have looked at, the core functionality is well covered by SQL RS. The BO environment is heavily designed to allow less experienced users to design reports. The SQL environment is designed for developers. The reporting controls in report services at first sight seem kind of lean when compared to BO. I think the controls in SQL server are very powerful once you get experienced with them. I haven't used BO for a while now but I haven't seen reporting layout and control features that would allow you to do what SQL reporting services does easily. It may well be in the package and I just don't know about it. SQL 2005 provides good capabilities for adhoc report development by users with data models designed by the developers and made available from the reporting services web site.




  • Thanks a lot stuart.



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