SSRS bulk change report datasource credentials

  • Hi,

    I have the below script which i found online.


    [string] $message = ""

    [string] $reportingServicesServer = ""

    [string] $startingFolder = "/"

    [string] $userName = ""

    [string] $password = ""

    [string] $uri = "http://{0}/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL" -f $reportingServicesServer

    write-host $uri

    $reporting = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $uri -UseDefaultCredential -namespace "ReportingWebService"

    $reports = $reporting.ListChildren($startingFolder, $false) | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "Report"}

    foreach($report in $reports)


    $message = "{0}: Updating UserId and Password for the following report: '{1}'." -f $(get-date -displayhint DateTime), $report.Path

    Write-Host $message

    $dataSource = $reporting.GetItemDataSources($report.Path)[0]

    $dataSource.Item.Prompt = $null

    $dataSource.Item.WindowsCredentials = $false

    $dataSource.Item.UserName = $userName

    $dataSource.Item.Password = $password

    $reporting.SetItemDataSources($report.Path, $dataSource)

    write-host $dataSource.Item.ConnectString

    $message = "{0}: Update completed." -f $(get-date -displayhint DateTime)

    Write-Host $message

    Write-Host ""


    I have used this and it works for some reports but oher reports i get an error

    Exception calling "SetItemDataSources" with "2" argument(s): "The combination of values for the fields UserName and CredentialRetrieval are not valid. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidElementCombinationException: The combination o

    f values for the fields UserName and CredentialRetrieval are not valid."

    I believe this is because some of the datasources have been set to no credentials required.

    I would like to change these, ideally without going through every report individually.

    Thanks in advance.

  • for anyone else who may have the same problem in the future, i wrote a very simple / messy web page (which could quite easily be adapted into a relatively simple little application) code below

    DataSource[] dataSources;

    DataSourceReference dsReference;

    DataSourceDefinition dsDefinition;

    string Path = string.Empty;

    string dsPath;

    string BatchID = string.Empty;

    ReportingService2005SoapClient rService = new ReportingService2005SoapClient();

    rService.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;

    rService.ChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

    CatalogItem[] catalogItems;

    rService.ListChildren(Global.ReportPath, true, out catalogItems);

    foreach (CatalogItem item in catalogItems)


    if (item.Type == ItemTypeEnum.Report || item.Type == ItemTypeEnum.LinkedReport)


    Path = item.Path;

    Response.Write("Updating " + Path + "<br />");

    rService.GetItemDataSources(Path, out dataSources);

    if (dataSources.Length > 0)


    if (dataSources.Count() > 1)


    Response.Write("<h1>This one has multiple datasources</h1>");


    if (dataSources[0].Item.GetType() == typeof(DataSourceDefinition))


    dsDefinition = (DataSourceDefinition)dataSources[0].Item;




    dsReference = (DataSourceReference)dataSources[0].Item;

    dsPath = dsReference.Reference;

    rService.GetDataSourceContents(dsPath, out dsDefinition);


    dsDefinition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store;

    dsDefinition.UserName = "";

    dsDefinition.Password = "";

    rService.CreateBatch(out BatchID);

    BatchHeader h = new BatchHeader();

    h.BatchID = BatchID;

    rService.SetItemDataSources(h, Path, dataSources);



    Response.Write("Updated " + p + "<br />");


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