SSRS: adding grand total doesn't work?

  • This might be a simple one but I just can't figure out why.

    In my report, I just want to add a grand total of a number column. In the footer cell on that column of body section, I typed in =sum(fields!units.value), but when I preview the report, that cell shows #Error. Don't know what's wrong.


  • Hi,

    Are you sure that the field in the query is returning a numeric data type?

    for example if I use

    select '1' as MyNum

    union (select '2')

    union(select '3')

    and try to add a summed column on MyNum, it will give an error.


    select 1 as MyNum

    union (select 2)

    union(select 3)

    will work fine.

    Are you trying to convert or format the field in question at any point in the data query?

  • check your output window, it should have something about the error...


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • In the query, the column is like this:

    ROUND ( ( (wl.WorkDone * tut.ConversionFactor) / 60), 1) [Time Spent (Hours)]

    so it is a numerical field.

  • Did the output window reveal anything?


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • This is the revealing:


    Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

    [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textbox ‘textbox8’ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

    Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings

    [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textbox ‘textbox8’ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

    Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings

    [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textbox ‘textbox8’ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

    Preview complete -- 0 errors, 1 warnings

  • Could you please post the entire query used as the data source?

    I've had this error before when using the DateDiff function, so I'm wondering if you are using datediff either in the query or in report groupings ?

    If so, this post might be relevant.

  • I didn't use dateadd function:


    SELECT wl.ItemId [Project ID], F._Features_NAME AS ProjectName, P.NAME as ProjectCategory, as HourType, CONVERT(CHAR, wl.WorkLogDateTime, 101) [Date],

    case when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Monday' then wl.WorkLogDateTime

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Tuesday' then dateadd(day, -1, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Wednesday' then dateadd(day, -2, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Thursday' then dateadd(day, -3, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Friday' then dateadd(day, -4, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Saturday' then dateadd(day, -5, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    when datename(dw, wl.WorkLogDateTime) = 'Sunday' then dateadd(day, -6, wl.WorkLogDateTime)

    end as WeekName,

    u.FirstName [User], f._UsersAssignedTo_FirstName as AssignedTo, f._UsersRequestedBy_FirstName as RequestedBy, f._Custom_177_Sector as Sector,

    ROUND ( ( (wl.WorkDone * tut.ConversionFactor) / 60), 1) [Time Spent (Hours)]

    into #WorkLog

    FROM WorkLog wl

    left JOIN MR_vwFeatures f ON wl.ItemId = f._Features_FeatureId

    left JOIN Projects p ON f._Projects_ProjectId = p.ProjectId

    left JOIN TimeUnitTypes tut ON wl.WorkUnitTypeId = tut.TimeUnitTypeId

    left JOIN Users u ON wl.UserId = u.UserId

    left JOIN WorkLogTypes wlt ON wl.WorkLogTypeId = wlt.WorkLogTypeId

    WHERE wl.ItemTypeId = 1

    AND p.Path LIKE '%|29|%'

    and P.NAME <> 'Dev'

    AND wl.WorkLogDateTime >= dateadd(week, -2, getdate())

    ORDER BY wl.WorkLogDateTime desc, wl.ItemId


    select isnull(, as Date,

    isnull(a.WeekName, b.WeekName) as WeekName,

    isnull(a.projectname, b.projectname) as project,

    isnull(a., b.) as ,




    (select date, WeekName, ProjectName, coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours') as HourType, [User], SUM([Time Spent (Hours)]) as TotalBusinessHours

    from #worklog

    where date >= dateadd(day, -30, getdate())

    and coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours') = 'Work - Business Hours'

    group by date, WeekName,ProjectName, coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours'), [User]


    full join


    select date, WeekName, ProjectName, coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours') as HourType, [User], SUM([Time Spent (Hours)]) as TotalAfterHours

    from #worklog

    where date >= dateadd(day, -30, getdate())

    and coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours') = 'Work - After Hours'

    group by date, WeekName, ProjectName, coalesce(HourType, 'Work - Business Hours'), [User]

    ) b


    and a.projectname = b.projectname

    order by 1 desc

  • sorry I mean i didn't use the datediff function.

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