SSRS - Adding a report to a website page

  • I run a secure Admin login and front end website and want to enhance the reporting features to my users based on the data contained within my SQL tables such as customers, orders, products, etc...

    I am a rookie with SSRS and was wondering what the roadmap might be to getting some enhanced reports online using passthrough variables into the admin section.

    Any articles, tutorials or guides i can follow to setting this up on a specific Admin URL and maintaining security?

  • bkirk (11/23/2009)

    I run a secure Admin login and front end website and want to enhance the reporting features to my users based on the data contained within my SQL tables such as customers, orders, products, etc...

    I am a rookie with SSRS and was wondering what the roadmap might be to getting some enhanced reports online using passthrough variables into the admin section.

    Any articles, tutorials or guides i can follow to setting this up on a specific Admin URL and maintaining security?

    I don't understand your request because SSRS uses Windows authentication by default that gives the admin total control. But if you want the reports integrated into your site then you can use the ReportViewer control it is httphandler which means it must be registered in your Web.Config to run. Here is a thread covering how to use it without SSRS license.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I didn't explain that very well.

    I am a web developer that provides and Administration login section for my clients to manage their data and front end website. Each client also has their own SQL database secured with their own logins.

    As a web developer using SQL Server 2005 Standard edition i was hoping to develop server side Standard Reports for all clients to use on their own authenticated database.

    For example each client would have their own Orders and Order Details table. At the moment i have built standard reports into my web applications, but i was wondering if SSRS reports might be easier to develop on the server side for all clients to use.

    The variables would of course be set based on the client authentications and database names relevant only to their setup.

    I will look at the other post and article links to see if i need to follow the embedded ReportViewer or SSRS as my option.

    It sounds like there might be bigger licensing issues when using SSRS this way.

    Thanks for the input.

  • bkirk (11/23/2009)

    I didn't explain that very well.

    I am a web developer that provides and Administration login section for my clients to manage their data and front end website. Each client also has their own SQL database secured with their own logins.

    As a web developer using SQL Server 2005 Standard edition i was hoping to develop server side Standard Reports for all clients to use on their own authenticated database.

    For example each client would have their own Orders and Order Details table. At the moment i have built standard reports into my web applications, but i was wondering if SSRS reports might be easier to develop on the server side for all clients to use.

    The variables would of course be set based on the client authentications and database names relevant only to their setup.

    I will look at the other post and article links to see if i need to follow the embedded ReportViewer or SSRS as my option.

    It sounds like there might be bigger licensing issues when using SSRS this way.

    Thanks for the input.

    The granular way to do this is to run ReportViewer in Remote mode for each customer using their database as the data source. The short cut way to do it is create the Reports using each database with separate folders for each user with subscriptions which could send the reports as email.

    If I am your customer I would not like to go to the same Report Manager with your other customers.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I see.

    Just having a quick read about the Remote configuration set up for ReportViewer, so you have just confirmed the direction i was thinking about.

    Thanks for the input. It has helped me narrow my focus.


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