SSRS 2K8 - Where to put it!?

  • At present I do not have an SSRS 2K8 environment. I have a small SSRS 2K5 environment with the web server separate from the database server. Two reasons for this deployment, the primary one being IIS DOES NOT belong on a production SQL Server. The secondary reason is resources needed to report generation. I did not want there to be competition between SSRS and the DB Engine.

    I understand that starting in SSRS 2K8, IIS is not required. I guess that technically invalidates my IIS argument for housing the SSRS stuff on a separate box. So i guess i have two questions regarding SSRS 2K8.

    1. Can you still run the web portion on a separate server than the DB server? I presume the http.sys portion can reside elsewhere?

    2. What about my second point regarding performance. Anything new there? My primary focus is protecting the performance of the production DB servers.

    I know a lot of this an "it depends" type of answer, but of course i am getting questions/pressure from management about why we just don't toss that new SSRS2008 stuff on an existing DB Server.

  • I will advise you stick with your current standard server deployment topology which can be enhance overtime when you start looking into seperating interactive report processing from scheduled report processing.

    To your first question, absolutely http.sys supports scale-out deployment. Regarding performance, your second question, it is a best practice to seperate the two (SSRS / Database Engine) where you can. The link below discusses the available deployment topologies for SSRS 2008.


    MCTS: BI 2008, MCITP: BI 2008
    Stay Thirsty My Friends

  • My experience with generating about 50K reports a month has been with the web portion on the same box as the database for 2008. Haven't had any real performance hits, but would be optimal to separate when you get to a bigger ssrs environment.

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