Hi all,
Problem Description: We have an operational report based on a tabular model.
It's a catalog report with that pictures of different products.
The report renders runs under 1 min when It's executed on SharePoint .
However, we get an error like “Sorry, something went wrong” (see below) approximately 2 minutes after we choose/select the PDF as a rendering extension for export. The download of the .PDF never starts. 🙁
When I export to the same report with the same parameters to excel or tiff, that works well.
I noticed that when I restrict the parameters the pdf export works well but the the pdf file is heavy (24 MB)
I did several tests and I noticed that I have an error when the pdf file exceed 30 MB.
Please, we would like to seek for your assistance to determine what is causing the failure of exporting the report to PDF issue directly from the SharePoint site.