June 2, 2017 at 9:02 pm
In an existing ssrs 2008 report, I want to add final report totals. I want the total line to be the final total for all the lines displayed on the report. Right now when I right click on the calendarnames and select 'add total', I see the totals for all the data just brought into the report. I just want to see the totals for only the calendar names that have been selected.
For example, if I have the calendarnames of Adams Elem, Gross High, and Josylyn Middle School, I only want the totals to be for those 3 schools. I do not want to see the totals
for all the schools in the school district. Can you tell me what I can do to solve my problem? Here is a picture of what my ssrs report looks like in design view:
June 2, 2017 at 11:43 pm
dianerstein 8713 - Friday, June 2, 2017 9:02 PMIn an existing ssrs 2008 report, I want to add final report totals. I want the total line to be the final total for all the lines displayed on the report. Right now when I right click on the calendarnames and select 'add total', I see the totals for all the data just brought into the report. I just want to see the totals for only the calendar names that have been selected.
For example, if I have the calendarnames of Adams Elem, Gross High, and Josylyn Middle School, I only want the totals to be for those 3 schools. I do not want to see the totals
for all the schools in the school district. Can you tell me what I can do to solve my problem? Here is a picture of what my ssrs report looks like in design view:
I see the totals for all the data just brought into the report. I just want to see the totals for only the calendar names that have been selected.
For example, if I have the calendarnames of Adams Elem, Gross High, and Josylyn Middle School, I only want the totals to be for those 3 schools. I do not want to see the totals
For example, if I have the calendarnames of Adams Elem, Gross High, and Josylyn Middle School, I only want the totals to be for those 3 schools. I do not want to see the totals
This is like pin the tail on the donkey. Does your report have parameters where you select only the schools you want? If you filter for only the selected schools, then that's what your stored procedure should return. Kinda hard to tell what's happening though, because you didn't post the stored procedure.
If you want report totals, can't you put them in the report footer?
June 3, 2017 at 12:38 pm
June 3, 2017 at 1:03 pm
Are you adding the data to a tablix? I can't tell from your report design. If you're doing that, you can just add a totals line outside the group(s).
June 3, 2017 at 3:55 pm
Thanks for your assistance so far!
I want to mention the following in regards to your responses:
1. No I am not adding total lines to outside groups. Can you tell me when to use outside groups and how to use them?
2. In a comment or 2 later, I will show you the stored procedure of how I modified the stored procedure to obtain the data I needed. When looking at the logic in the stored procedure, this report I am referring to is @report=2. When I look at the data obtained from my version of the stored procedure when I ran it, I see that the data is repeated lots of times.
Bascially the counts are repeated a lot for the same calendared.
Could you show me how to setup the outside groups and only summing the counts by unique calendariD?
Here are a couple of examples:
calendarID studentCounts
7935 450
7935 450
7986 850
7935 450
7902 999
7935 450
7902 999
Listed below is the stored procedure that is being used:
USE [test]
DECLARE @endYear SMALLINT = 2018,
@calendarID VARCHAR(8000) = '7935,7896,7902,7936,7919',
@grade VARCHAR(8000) = 'KG,01,02,03,04,05,06',
@report TINYINT = 2,
@serviceType varchar(01)= 'P',
@stateExclude bit =NULL
--end debug
--CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spFallOpeningLetter] (@endYear SMALLINT,
-- @calendarID VARCHAR(8000), --accepts single or multiple values
-- @grade VARCHAR(8000), --accepts single or multiple values
-- @report TINYINT, -- 0 = Student Letter, 1 = Student List, 2 = Student Counts
-- @serviceType varchar(1), -- P = Primary, S = Partial, N = Special Ed Services
-- @stateExclude bit) -- 0 = Not State Excluded, 1 = State Excluded, null = Both Selected
DECLARE @ActiveEndYear SMALLINT = (SELECT endYear FROM OPS.dbo.SchoolYear WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE active = 1)
--Creating all temp tables used throughout the entire query since all are referenced for the final dataset. Dynamically inserting based on the report selected.
--Only parsing @calendarID once then joining to this temp table throughout the procedure for increased performance
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ParsedCalendars') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ParsedCalendars
CREATE TABLE #ParsedCalendars (calendarID INT)
INSERT INTO #ParsedCalendars
SELECT [_id]
FROM OPS.dbo.fn_splitString(@calendarID)
--Only parsing @grade once then joining to this temp table throughout the procedure for increased performance
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ParsedGrades') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ParsedGrades
CREATE TABLE #ParsedGrades (grade VARCHAR(4))
INSERT INTO #ParsedGrades
SELECT [_id]
FROM OPS.dbo.fn_splitString(@grade)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Student') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Student
CREATE TABLE #Student (personID INT,
studentNumber VARCHAR(15),
enrollmentID INT,
grade VARCHAR(4),
calendarID INT,
calendarName VARCHAR(30),
schoolType VARCHAR(5),
schoolName VARCHAR(40),
schoolAddress VARCHAR(50),
schoolCity VARCHAR(25),
schoolState VARCHAR(2),
schoolZip VARCHAR(10),
calendarStructure VARCHAR(3),
firstName VARCHAR(50),
middleName VARCHAR(50),
lastName VARCHAR(50),
fullName VARCHAR(104),
gender CHAR(1),
CorrespondenceLanguage VARCHAR(100))
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Homeroom') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Homeroom
CREATE TABLE #Homeroom (personID INT,
studentNumber VARCHAR(15),
serviceType VARCHAR(1),
enrollmentID INT,
calendarID INT,
schoolID INT,
teacherPersonID INT,
teacherFirstName VARCHAR(50),
teacherMiddleName VARCHAR(50),
teacherLastName VARCHAR(50),
teacherName VARCHAR(104),
sectionTeacherDisplay VARCHAR(102),
roomID INT,
roomName VARCHAR(10),
courseID INT,
courseHomeroom BIT,
sectionID INT,
sectionHomeroom BIT,
rosterID INT,
trialID INT,
periodID INT,
periodScheduleID INT,
structureID INT,
termID INT)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Household') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Household
CREATE TABLE #Household (personID INT,
enrollmentID INT,
calendarID INT,
householdID INT,
addressLine1 VARCHAR(105),
city VARCHAR(24),
[state] VARCHAR(2),
zip VARCHAR(10),
householdPhone VARCHAR(25))
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Schedule') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Schedule
CREATE TABLE #Schedule (personID INT,
enrollmentID INT,
calendarID INT,
scheduleName VARCHAR(20),
startTime VARCHAR(10),
endTime VARCHAR(10),
firstDay VARCHAR(10),
firstDay_WeekDayEnglish VARCHAR(10),
firstDay_MonthEnglish VARCHAR(10),
firstDay_WeekDaySpanish VARCHAR(10),
firstDay_MonthSpanish VARCHAR(10),
firstDay_Day VARCHAR(2),
firstDay_Year VARCHAR(4))
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CustomCalendar') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #CustomCalendar
CREATE TABLE #CustomCalendar (calendarID INT,
BreakfastStartTimeEnglish VARCHAR(256),
BreakfastStartTimeSpanish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSParticipation VARCHAR(256),
SWTSNameEnglish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSNameSpanish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSDateEnglish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSDateSpanish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSTimeEnglish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSTimeSpanish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSLocationEnglish VARCHAR(256),
SWTSLocationSpanish VARCHAR(256),
HomeroomsOnFOL VARCHAR(256))
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StudentCount
CREATE TABLE #StudentCount (calendarID INT,
StudentCount DECIMAL)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudentAddressCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StudentAddressCount
CREATE TABLE #StudentAddressCount (calendarID INT,
StudentAddressCount DECIMAL)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SpanishSpeakingStudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SpanishSpeakingStudentCount
CREATE TABLE #SpanishSpeakingStudentCount (calendarID INT,
SpanishCount DECIMAL)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount
CREATE TABLE #NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount (calendarID INT,
NonSpanishCount DECIMAL)
SELECT Person.personID, Person.studentNumber, Enrollment.enrollmentID, Enrollment.grade, Calendar.calendarID, Calendar.name AS calendarName,
School.[type] AS schoolType, School.name AS schoolName, School.[address] AS schoolAddress, School.city AS schoolCity,
School.[state] AS schoolState, School.zip AS schoolZip,
WHEN vCalendarSchool.calendarPrefix = 'EC' THEN 'EC'
END AS calendarStructure,
WHEN Enrollment.specialEdSetting IN ('6', '16') THEN 1
Ident.firstName, Ident.middleName, Ident.lastName,
WHEN Ident.middleName IS NOT NULL THEN (Ident.firstName + ' ' + LEFT(Ident.middleName, 1) + '. ' + Ident.lastName)
ELSE Ident.firstName + ' ' + Ident.lastName
END AS fullName,
Ident.gender, COALESCE(CorresLang.name, 'English')
FROM OPS.dbo.Person AS Person WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN OPS.dbo.[Identity] AS Ident WITH (NOLOCK)
ON Person.personID = Ident.personID
AND Ident.identityID = Person.currentidentityID
JOIN OPS.dbo.Enrollment AS Enrollment WITH (NOLOCK)
ON Enrollment.personID = Person.personID
JOIN OPS.dbo.Calendar AS Calendar WITH (NOLOCK)
ON Calendar.calendarID = Enrollment.calendarID
JOIN (SELECT EnrollmentMax.personID, EnrollmentMax.serviceType, EnrollmentMax.endYear, MAX(EnrollmentMax.startDate) AS startDate, CalendarMax.summerSchool
FROM OPS.dbo.Enrollment AS EnrollmentMax WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN OPS.dbo.Calendar AS CalendarMax WITH (NOLOCK)
ON CalendarMax.calendarID = EnrollmentMax.calendarID
WHERE EnrollmentMax.endYear = @endYear
AND EnrollmentMax.serviceType = @serviceType -- 'P'
AND CalendarMax.summerSchool = 0
AND (EnrollmentMax.StateExclude = @stateExclude OR @stateExclude IS NULL)
GROUP BY EnrollmentMax.personID, EnrollmentMax.serviceType, EnrollmentMax.endYear, CalendarMax.summerSchool,EnrollmentMax.StateExclude) AS MaxEnrollment
ON Enrollment.personID = MaxEnrollment.personID
AND Enrollment.startDate = MaxEnrollment.startDate
AND Enrollment.serviceType = MaxEnrollment.serviceType
AND Enrollment.endYear = MaxEnrollment.endYear
AND Calendar.summerSchool = MaxEnrollment.summerSchool
JOIN OPS.dbo.School AS School WITH (NOLOCK)
ON School.schoolID = Calendar.schoolID
JOIN CampusOps.dbo.vCalendarSchool AS vCalendarSchool
ON vCalendarSchool.calendarID = Enrollment.calendarID
JOIN #ParsedCalendars AS ParsedCalendars
ON Calendar.calendarID = ParsedCalendars.calendarID
JOIN #ParsedGrades AS ParsedGrades
ON Enrollment.grade = ParsedGrades.grade
LEFT JOIN (SELECT CustomStudent.personID, CampusDictionary.name
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomStudent AS CustomStudent WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN OPS.dbo.CampusDictionary AS CampusDictionary WITH (NOLOCK)
ON CustomStudent.value = CampusDictionary.code
AND CustomStudent.attributeID = CampusDictionary.attributeID
WHERE CampusDictionary.attributeID = 525) AS CorresLang
ON CorresLang.personID = Enrollment.personID
WHERE ((Enrollment.endYear = @ActiveEndYear AND COALESCE(Enrollment.endDate, GETDATE()) >= GETDATE()) --Active School Year
(Enrollment.endYear > @ActiveEndYear AND Enrollment.endDate IS NULL)) --Future School Years
--SELECT * FROM #Student ORDER BY studentNumber --debug
IF @report IN (0, 1)
EXEC CampusOps.dbo.spHomeroom @endYear, @calendarID, @serviceType, NULL
DELETE #Homeroom
WHERE periodScheduleID IN (SELECT periodScheduleID
FROM OPS.dbo.PeriodSchedule WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE name LIKE '%B%') --Keep only "A" day schedules
--SELECT * FROM #Homeroom
INSERT INTO #Household
SELECT vRelationships.studentPersonID, Student.enrollmentID, Student.calendarID, vHouseholdAddress.householdID, vHouseholdAddress.addressLine,
vHouseholdAddress.city, vHouseholdAddress.[state], vHouseholdAddress.zip, vHouseholds.householdPhone
FROM CampusOps.dbo.vRelationships AS vRelationships
JOIN CampusOps.dbo.vHouseholdAddress AS vHouseholdAddress
ON vHouseholdAddress.householdID = vRelationships.householdID
JOIN CampusOps.dbo.vHouseholds AS vHouseholds
ON vHouseholds.householdID = vHouseholdAddress.householdID
JOIN #Student AS Student
ON Student.personID = vRelationships.studentPersonID
WHERE vRelationships.activeRelationship = 1
AND vRelationships.householdRelationship = 1
AND (vRelationships.relationshipGuardian = 1 OR vRelationships.relationship = 'Step Parent')
AND vRelationships.relationshipMailing = 1
AND vHouseholdAddress.activeAddress = 1
AND vHouseholdAddress.mailingAddress = 1
--Delete students that do not have a mailing address
DELETE #Student
WHERE personID NOT IN (SELECT personID FROM #Household)
--SELECT DISTINCT * FROM #Household ORDER BY personID, addressLine1
IF @report = 0
SELECT Roster.personID, Roster.enrollmentID, Roster.calendarID, Roster.PeriodScheduleName AS scheduleName,
LTRIM(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), MIN(Period.starttime), 9), 13, 5) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), MIN(Period.starttime), 9), 25, 2)) AS starttime,
LTRIM(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), MAX(Period.endtime), 9), 13, 5) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), MAX(Period.endtime), 9), 25, 2)) AS endtime,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Term.startDate, 101) AS firstDay, DATENAME(WEEKDAY, Term.startDate) AS firstDay_WeekDayEnglish, DATENAME(MONTH, Term.startDate) AS firstDay_MonthEnglish,
CampusOps.dbo.fnWeekDaySpanish(Term.startDate) AS firstDay_WeekDaySpanish, CampusOps.dbo.fnMonthSpanish(Term.startDate) AS firstDay_MonthSpanish,
DATEPART(DAY, Term.startDate) AS firstDay_Day, DATEPART(YEAR, Term.startDate) AS firstDay_Year
FROM CampusOps.dbo.vRoster AS Roster
JOIN OPS.dbo.Period AS Period WITH (NOLOCK)
ON Period.periodID = Roster.periodID
AND Period.periodScheduleID = Roster.periodScheduleID
ON Roster.termID = Term.termID
AND Roster.termScheduleID = Term.termScheduleID
JOIN #ParsedCalendars AS ParsedCalendars --Performed faster returning all students for the selected calenders vs. JOINing to #Student
ON Roster.calendarID = ParsedCalendars.calendarID
WHERE Roster.TermSeq = 1
AND Roster.RosterEndDate IS NULL
GROUP BY Roster.calendarID, Roster.personID, Roster.enrollmentID, Term.startDate, Roster.PeriodScheduleName
--SELECT * FROM #Schedule
INSERT INTO #CustomCalendar
SELECT Calendar.calendarID, LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1612.BreakfastStartTimeEnglish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1614.BreakfastStartTimeSpanish)),
LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1615.SWTSParticipation)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1619.SWTSNameEnglish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1620.SWTSNameSpanish)),
LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1621.SWTSDateEnglish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1622.SWTSDateSpanish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1624.SWTSTimeEnglish)),
LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1625.SWTSTimeSpanish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1626.SWTSLocationEnglish)), LTRIM(RTRIM(CC1627.SWTSLocationSpanish)),
FROM OPS.dbo.Calendar AS Calendar WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN #ParsedCalendars AS ParsedCalendars
ON Calendar.calendarID = ParsedCalendars.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS BreakfastStartTimeEnglish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1612) AS CC1612
ON CC1612.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS BreakfastStartTimeSpanish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1614) AS CC1614
ON CC1614.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSParticipation
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1615) AS CC1615
ON CC1615.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSNameEnglish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1619) AS CC1619
ON CC1619.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSNameSpanish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1620) AS CC1620
ON CC1620.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSDateEnglish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1621) AS CC1621
ON CC1621.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSDateSpanish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1622) AS CC1622
ON CC1622.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSTimeEnglish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1624) AS CC1624
ON CC1624.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSTimeSpanish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1625) AS CC1625
ON CC1625.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSLocationEnglish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1626) AS CC1626
ON CC1626.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS SWTSLocationSpanish
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1627) AS CC1627
ON CC1627.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT calendarID, value AS HomeroomsOnFOL
FROM OPS.dbo.CustomCalendar WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE attributeID = 1628) AS CC1628
ON CC1628.calendarID = Calendar.calendarID
--SELECT * FROM #CustomCalendar
IF @report = 2
INSERT INTO #StudentCount
FROM #Student
GROUP BY calendarID
INSERT INTO #StudentAddressCount
SELECT DistinctAddresses.calendarID, SUM(DistinctAddresses.StudentAddressCount)
FROM (SELECT calendarID, personID, CONVERT(DECIMAL, COUNT(DISTINCT addressLine1)) AS StudentAddressCount
FROM #Household
GROUP BY calendarID, personID) AS DistinctAddresses
GROUP BY DistinctAddresses.calendarID INSERT INTO #SpanishSpeakingStudentCount
FROM #Student
WHERE CorrespondenceLanguage = 'Spanish'
GROUP BY calendarID
INSERT INTO #NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount
FROM #Student
WHERE CorrespondenceLanguage <> 'Spanish'
GROUP BY calendarID
SELECT DISTINCT Student.personID, Student.studentNumber, Student.lastName, Student.firstName, Student.middleName, Student.fullName,
Student.grade, Student.gender, Student.calendarStructure, Student.ECSE, Student.CorrespondenceLanguage, Schedule.scheduleName,
Schedule.firstDay, Schedule.startTime, Schedule.endTime, Schedule.firstDay_WeekDayEnglish, Schedule.firstDay_MonthEnglish,
Schedule.firstDay_WeekDaySpanish, Schedule.firstDay_MonthSpanish, Schedule.firstDay_Day, Schedule.firstDay_Year,
Homeroom.roomName, HomeRoom.teacherName, Household.addressLine1, Household.city, Household.[state], Household.zip, Household.householdPhone,
Student.calendarID, Student.calendarName, Student.schoolType, Student.schoolName, Student.schoolAddress,
Student.schoolCity, Student.schoolState, Student.schoolZip, CustomCalendar.BreakfastStartTimeEnglish, CustomCalendar.BreakfastStartTimeSpanish,
CustomCalendar.SWTSParticipation, CustomCalendar.SWTSNameEnglish, CustomCalendar.SWTSNameSpanish, CustomCalendar.SWTSDateEnglish,
CustomCalendar.SWTSDateSpanish, CustomCalendar.SWTSTimeEnglish, CustomCalendar.SWTSTimeSpanish, CustomCalendar.SWTSLocationEnglish,
CustomCalendar.SWTSLocationSpanish, CustomCalendar.HomeroomsOnFOL,
COALESCE(StudentCount.StudentCount, 0) AS StudentCount, COALESCE(StudentAddressCount.StudentAddressCount, 0) AS StudentAddressCount,
COALESCE(SpanishCount.SpanishCount, 0) AS SpanishCount,
COALESCE(CONVERT(DECIMAL(7,2), SpanishCount.SpanishCount / StudentCount.StudentCount * 100), 0) AS SpanishPercentage,
COALESCE(NonSpanishCount.NonSpanishCount, 0) AS NonSpanishCount,
COALESCE(CONVERT(DECIMAL(7,2), NonSpanishCount.NonSpanishCount / StudentCount.StudentCount * 100), 0) AS NonSpanishPercentage
FROM #Student AS Student
LEFT JOIN #StudentCount AS StudentCount
ON Student.calendarID = StudentCount.calendarID
LEFT JOIN #StudentAddressCount AS StudentAddressCount
ON Student.calendarID = StudentAddressCount.calendarID
LEFT JOIN #SpanishSpeakingStudentCount AS SpanishCount
ON Student.calendarID = SpanishCount.calendarID
LEFT JOIN #NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount AS NonSpanishCount
ON Student.calendarID = NonSpanishCount.calendarID
LEFT JOIN #Homeroom AS Homeroom
ON Student.enrollmentID = Homeroom.enrollmentID
AND Student.personID = Homeroom.personID
AND Student.calendarID = Homeroom.calendarID
LEFT JOIN #Schedule AS Schedule
ON Student.personID = Schedule.personID
AND Student.calendarID = Schedule.calendarID
AND Student.enrollmentID = Schedule.enrollmentID
LEFT JOIN #Household AS Household
ON Student.personID = Household.personID
AND Student.calendarID = Household.calendarID
AND Student.enrollmentID = Household.enrollmentID
LEFT JOIN #CustomCalendar AS CustomCalendar
ON Student.calendarID = CustomCalendar.calendarID
--ORDER BY Student.schoolName, Student.calendarName, Student.grade, Student.lastName, Student.firstName, Household.addressLine1
--end debug
--Clean up all temp tables
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ParsedCalendars') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ParsedCalendars
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ParsedGrades') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ParsedGrades
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Student') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Student
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Homeroom') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Homeroom
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Household') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Household
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Schedule') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Schedule
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CustomCalendar') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #CustomCalendar
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StudentCount
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudentAddressCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StudentAddressCount
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SpanishSpeakingStudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SpanishSpeakingStudentCount
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #NonSpanishSpeakingStudentCount
June 3, 2017 at 4:18 pm
I'm just going to snip off this piece... (this thing is mind-boggling!)
Bascially the counts are repeated a lot for the same calendared.
Could you show me how to setup the outside groups and only summing the counts by unique calendariD?
Here are a couple of examples:
calendarID studentCounts
7935 450
7935 450
7986 850
7935 450
7902 999
7935 450
7902 999
What's the output of the above supposed to be ? (You're using SQL 2008 R1 (not R2) right?
If this is supposed to be unique counts of the above?
Is it this:
7935 450 + 450 + 450
7986 850
7902 999 + 999
Or are those duplicates and you have to remove those first?
(As an aside, are you aware of what NOLOCK does? It tells the database engine to read uncommitted data.)
June 3, 2017 at 11:02 pm
In answer to your last questions:
1. The ssrs report is using ssrs 2008 but it is running on a sql server 2012 database.
2. You are correct that the data rows are duplicates.
The only values that should be used are:
7935 450
7986 850
7902 999
I do not know what the data is setup that why since the person who wrote the logic, no longer works for the school system.
3. Having the no locks makes no difference here. The data is only updated overnight and not while the ssrs report would run during the day time.
4. Would you show me how to setup the outside groups you previously mentioned? In addition I need to only obtain the data that I listed above where the
data is unique.
June 3, 2017 at 11:28 pm
As I see it, you have two options with the (CalendarID, StudentCounts) duplicates. If you don't need grand totals, you can leave them in your underlying dataset, and then just group by them both in your report. If you have to remove the duplicates in the dataset, Something like this would do it.... In the section where I have the UNION ALL stuff, you'd have a normal table.
, StudentCounts
, DupeNum
, StudentCounts
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CalendarID, StudentCounts ORDER BY CalendarID) AS DupeNum
FROM ( /* Put your query to get the data here instead of this fake union query */
SELECT 7935 As CalendarID, 450 As StudentCounts
SELECT 7935, 450
SELECT 7986, 850
SELECT 7935, 450
SELECT 7902, 999
SELECT 7935, 450
SELECT 7902, 999) x
) y
WHERE y.DupeNum = 1;
Can you post a bunch of fake data similar to the data that the report is based on? I don't want real data - just representative/realistic... so you can see if it's working or not.
June 4, 2017 at 8:50 am
I need grand totals of the rows that appear on the report. I like the sql that you provided since it would work. However the problem is how will I get the results of that query into the report where I need it?
Thus I have the following options I thought I would mention to you which are:
1. Can I create another dataset with the query you just showed me and have the report access it? If so, can you show me how to accomplish that task?
2. When you look at the original query that was posted for report #2, there was left joins that were connected to the data needed for other reports. I could do the same thing. I could create more temp tables for the summary values I am looking for. I could create more unique columns for the summary data that is needed. To place the summary data into the report, I would create an 'outside' group and place the data onto the report.
3. If you have any ideas, can you tell me what they are and how you plan to place the data onto this report?
June 4, 2017 at 10:44 am
Creating datasets is trivial. You have a connection (DataSource), and then you build a DataSet by executing a stored procedure against that DataSource and it returns your dataset. Then you build part of your report on that. The problem is that you can bind a tablix/matrix to a single dataset. You can us LOOKUP stuff to retrieve a column from another related dataset, but that's it. Otherwise, you have to use subreports.
I can't see the graphic you posted very well. Can you post a bigger version of it?
June 4, 2017 at 10:56 am
Let me know what your opinion is.
June 4, 2017 at 7:12 pm
Do you have a database diagram for this part of the database? It's hard to tell from the temporary tables how things are related, because there are so many foreign keys in each one. (Yeah, I know you can't enforce referential integrity in TempDB, but it helps a lot to explain how things fit together. This is my guess how this stuff fits together.
then Schedule---(M,1)---Calendar
Are you using a matrix to do this report? It's hard to tell from the screenshot.
June 5, 2017 at 10:43 am
Sorry wrong thread.
June 5, 2017 at 10:55 am
You are correct that the report is using a matrix.
Your diagram is correct on the hierarchy of the data.
If I use the value obtained from the calendarname parameter that is used for the report, there is no other filter that would be needed for the report. The categories that are needed are contained within the parameter value(s) that are selected for calendarName(s).
June 5, 2017 at 10:57 am
wendy elizabeth - Monday, June 5, 2017 10:43 AMSorry wrong thread.
Ha! Told ya Wendy and Diane are the same person.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
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