January 15, 2016 at 3:30 pm
In an existing SSRS 2008 report, there is a dataset setup in a text format that looks like the following:
exec Sch..procSTEP2Reportxxryz @searchField, @searchFieldValue, @userCalendarId, @stepReviewDateFilter
This dataset is using a shared datasource called TBB. However the stored procedure actually exists another shared datasource called Sch.
What to do is to rename the existing stored proceudre from procSTEP2Reportxxryz to procSTEP2Report to meet my company's naming standards.
The problem that occurs is the SSRS report must not recognize the new stored procedure. It keeps showing me the parameter values that are listed above
and seems to want a blank or null value for each of the 4 parameters.
When I run I run the new stored procedure in SSIS manager and supply the 4 parameter values, it runs fine. However when I
exec Sch..procSTEP2Report @searchField, @searchFieldValue, @userCalendarId, @stepReviewDateFilter in the ssrs 2008 report, it thinks the parameter values are misssing.
In the dataset, I have tried to the following with no success:
1. Change the shared datasource,
2, Delete the parameters and readd them.
However nothing seems to work.
Thus can suggest what I should do to solve this problem?
January 15, 2016 at 3:51 pm
Why not just delete and recreate the dataset?
January 16, 2016 at 2:44 pm
I deleted the stored procedure and recreated another one and that did not solve the problem?
January 16, 2016 at 6:32 pm
What happens if you create a stored procedure that has a different name, but is essentially the same stored procedure? Sounds like something is happening on the server we don't know about.
January 19, 2016 at 9:33 am
When I create a stored procedure with a different name, the same problem occurs. What could be occurring on the server that I could have the administrators check for?
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