SSRS 2008 Creating a report and have the user input value then generate the report

  • Its been a few years since I used reporting services and I need to some help. I have a query and even made SP. I need the report to have the option to input date and another a value like 10 or 1-12.

    This is the the query used and I have created the a parameter. This is my query below and the 2 commented out fields in the where clause are the 2 different reports I'm trying to generate

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT tblObject_1.Name AS Agent, COUNT(dbo.tblLoan.Object_ID) AS Count,

    SUM(dbo.tblProcessingFile.LoanAmount_MIP_FF) AS Volume

    FROM dbo.tblLoan INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblObject ON dbo.tblLoan.Object_ID = dbo.tblObject.Object_ID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblProcessingFile ON dbo.tblLoan.Object_ID = dbo.tblProcessingFile.Loan_ID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblObject AS tblObject_1 ON dbo.tblLoan.ContactOwnerID = tblObject_1.Object_ID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblDomain ON tblObject_1.Domain_ID = dbo.tblDomain.Object_ID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblObject AS tblObject_2 ON dbo.tblLoan.Source_ID = tblObject_2.Object_ID

    WHERE (dbo.tblDomain.DomainCategoryTypeID = 2) AND (dbo.tblProcessingFile.Funded IS NOT NULL)

    AND (dbo.tblLoan.Expected_Close_Year = 2012)

    -- AND (Funded BETWEEN @Startdate AND @enddate)

    --(dbo.tblLoan.Expected_Close = @value)

    GROUP BY tblObject_1.Name

    ORDER BY Count DESC, Agent

    Basically im trying to have the user input a value with the parameter I created and another with the date picker. Thanks

  • Look at adding three parameters to your report (@Statedate, @enddate and @value). It's pretty straight-forward in Report Builder or Visual Studio. Just right-click on paramters and add a New parameter.



  • Thanks I got it.

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