SSRS 2005 report is not running on report veiwer Aspx page

  • Hi Experts,

    I am using SSRS 2005 .. I prepared a report and deployed it works fine in localhost/reports..

    but when i connect this report with Aspx page on reportviewer then i got below error..

    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

    Query execution failed for data set 'DropDownEmp'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)

    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

    I am using two query for this report

    for dropdown i am using ---

    dataset name is DropdownEmp

    Query -- select UserID from TblMUser where UserID not in( ' --Select--', ' ALL', 'Admin') order by UserID

    for select query with parameters

    select UniqueIDTxtDump,SubmitDateTime,convert(varchar,RecordDate,110) as RecordDate,UserID,Client,Process,MainActivity,SubActivity,((case when len(TimeHH) = 1 then '0'+convert(varchar(2),TimeHH) else convert(varchar(2),TimeHH) end)+ ':'+(case when len(TimeMM) = 1 then '0'+convert(varchar(2),TimeMM) else convert(varchar(2),TimeMM) end)) as 'Time Taken (HH:MM)',Remarks from TblTxtDump where

    (RecordDate between @StartRecordDate and @EndRecordDate) and (UserID in(@UserName))

    THis is really urgent for me........

  • login to SSMS and connect to your SSRS server

    change the properties of the server to enable remote errors

    run the report and post the full remote error

  • You might want to check permissions on the view/sp that populates the dropdown. Does the executing user have the correct permissions to run it?


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