SSRS 2005 Issue with multi value parameters resetting after selection

  • Hi All,

    My first time posting here, I have tried searching for this issue but haven't seemed to find the search terms required to get any results, or, there aren't any!

    Anyway, we are using SSRS 2005 and are serving our reports directly out of the default SSRS web portal for now.

    I have developed a report which accepts 4 multi-value parameters and passes them to an SP. The base functionality is fine and the report returns data as it should.

    The options available in each of the multi-value parameters are obtained via stored procedures, this also works.

    The problem I am experiencing is produced as follows (and can be produced in either the preview tab in BIDS OR the SSRS portal itself):

    1. Load the report

    2. Make my selections for each of the 4 input parameters

    3. Click 'View Report'

    At this point - intermittently - the 3rd input parameter either resets itself to blank and the report doesn't run or I get a message demanding the parameter is populated (it is required) yet the screen shows selected values.

    I have to repeat the process from step 1 until it eventually gives in and actually runs the report successfully.

    Has anyone experienced behaviour like this? If so, do you have / know of a fix?

    Many thanks in advance for any help,


  • Apologies for double post, browser / corporate firewall fight apparently.

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