SSRS 2005 - Bold part of a field?

  • Does anyone know if there is a way to bold part of a field.

    For instance I have this expression for one field:

    "* " & Fields!1.Value & vbCRLF & "SOME TEXT: " & Fields!2.Value

    I want "SOME TEXT: " to be bold. But, I don't want the fields values to be bold.

    Thanks in advance!

  • So, I guess I want it to look like this:




    To be clear, this is all in one field based on an expression.

  • You can't do this with RS 2005. This functionality does exist in RS 2008 R2 (maybe also in RS 2008 but I can't quite remember at present)

  • I already knew your answer was correct. It seems like it should be so easy. My boss is being a real a$$ about it.

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