SSRS 2000 Weiredness

  • I'm using URLAccess from my web app to access ReportServer virtual Directory to access report. I have custom parameter pages, which built Url string that I called vis URLAccess. But what sometime happen is the report window opens as a blank window, nothing in it. Some time if I wait like for 30 section, report's spinning wheel shows up and report run, but some time nothing happen at all. Than if I close it and try to run it again, it sometimes runs just fine. Some time it runs fine in second attempt, some time 3rd and some time never, until I restart IIS.

    Restart IIS resolve the problem, but it starts again in a day or so.

    If i try to browse to Report Manager while having this issue, I never able to get there.

    Please help!!!

    My environment is:

    SSRS 2000 with SP2 and Hotfix

    Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

    SQL Server 2000 with SP4

    IIS 6 (Using Anonymous Access with IUSR_ on both ReportServer and ReportManager virtual directories)

    I noticed in HTTPERR_.LOG file that every report call has "Connection_Abandoned_By_AppPool " at the end. Also in REPROTSERVER_.Log file I noticed at the end of almost every report call it has "userName: ServerName\IUSR_ServerName not found in the database". I don't know what these errors or messages are about; but didn't look right to me.

    I have attached both these files for review.

    Will appreciated any help in this regard.

  • Is there a specific set of parameters that cause the problem? What is the report doing? Are the parameters tied to datasets in the report?

    I would try using Profiler to determine if the report is requesting the data for the report from the SQL Server and if it is timing out returning the data.

  • This behaviour is not with any specific report, this happen with any report on server. And since the same report works fine sometime, I'm sure it is nothing to do with Report itself.

    What I think it is a configuration issue with Reporting Services or may be IIS :doze:


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