SSPI Handshake Errors

  • Every day at 7:30AM, we receive the follwoing error in the SQL Server log.

    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed.

    This is followed by:

    Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    Of course, this message is not very informative since it does not give me the username. The SQL Server Authentication is Windows Authentication. How can I see what is trying to log in so I can change the Windows login for that process? The domain name was changed and this is what is causing this error.

  • You have to recreate all windows authentication logins in SQL SERVER because SQL SERVER cannot find them anymore.

    Alex S
  • Hi,

    I experienced a similar situation, and sadly it went away before I could find the exactly root cause of that. In my case, I've seen this errors using AD accounts. When this condition was happening, I was able to use local accounts (for RDP) or SQL accounts (to access SQL). The only solution in that case was rebooting the box.

    After some testing and debugging, I found why that errors were happening, and the reason was TCP/IP related. There were one service, running with the svchost.exe program, that was creating connections to the AD for authentication. The problem was that it was creating new connections faster than it was closing them (closed by the TCPIP default wait_time), so the server reached the TCP connection limit.

    In few words, the account was not validated because the server didn't have any TCP port available to connect to the domain controller, and bunch of SSPI handshake errors appear on the logs...

    As I said before, I couldn't find the root cause because it stop happening, but perhaps you may want to take a look at that and see if this is the same situation you are having.



    Alejandro Pelc

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