SSPI Context error on long-running scripts

  • I have a SQL script that takes about 3 hours to run,(it's doing some batch processing). At the beginning of the script, a query is run that accesses a linked server to get a list of record keys to process, but after this query is run, only the local server is accessed in a "WHILE" loop. The linked query takes about 20 seconds to execute. Also the script does a PRINT statement every 1000 rows to show the progress.

    After anywhere from 15 min. to 1 1/2 hours, I get the following message:

    Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 11
    OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' reported an error.
    [OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot generate SSPI context]

    This only seems to affect this long running query.

    BTW...If I log in as "sa", everything works okay.

    Here is the script's code:

    @key1 integer,
    @project_id integer,
    @x integer

    select @project_id = 10329

    select distinct key1 = key1
    into #work
    from [LinkedServer1].db1.dbo.match
    where project_id = @project_id
    and ISNULL(key1,0) != 0
    and match_result in ('M','E')

    create unique clustered index i1 on #work(key1)

    select @x = COUNT(*) from #work

    while exists (select top 1 * from #work)
    select top 1 @key1 = key1 from #work where key1 = (select min(key1) from #work)
    exec pro_RMT_Calc_Flags @key1,1 -- CALCULATION
    set rowcount 1
    delete #work where key1 = @key1
    set rowcount 0
    SET @x=@x-1
    IF @x % 1000 = 0 PRINT STR(@x)+':RECORDS LEFT'

    drop table #work


    Any ideas?



  • I would try wrapping the linked server bit in a transaction and see how that goes.

    Failing that, you may want to seek the help of someone who actually knows what they're talking about . See the KB article:;EN-US;811889 (HOW TO: Troubleshoot the "Cannot Generate SSPI Context" Error Message)


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • I've had a smiliar experience after configuring a linked server to use Windows authentication (see "Security Account Delegation" in BOL). If I log into the local SQL Server and execute a link server query from Query Analyzer such as SELECT * FROM linkedServer.mydb.dbo.mytable, then wait 15 minutes and run the query again in the same Query Analyzer session, I will receive an SSPI error. I suspect this has something to do with Kerberos tickets in Microsoft's Active Directory. The tickets have an expiration time. (To view a list of cached tickets see the Windows 2000 Resource Kit utility, klist.exe). If your linked server security is setup to use security account delegation, I would suggest you map your local server Windows login to a remote server SQL login. This way you can use Windows authentication to connect to the local server and the linked server will use SQL authentication.

  • SSPI is still a minor mystery to me. Had it happen yesterday after a password change on the service account. Strange. I like the idea of the sql login, usually a good idea for batch processes anyway so that it's not dependent on running as a certain user (who might leave or have permissions changed).


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