SSMS loses settings

  • Good day,

    I've got one developer who periodically loses his SSMS settings. For example, the server dropdown list becomes empty, any custom code tied to function keys is gone, custom colors and sounds are gone, etc.

    No one else has complained of this so I have to think it is something particular to his machine. There doesn't appear to be any regularity to when it happens - time of day, specific action on his part, etc. We've uninstalled / reinstalled the client tools but the problem continues.

    We're able to workaround the issue by restoring the "SqlStudio.bin" file, but I'd like to know if anyone else has seen this and been able to find the cause / solution.


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  • Thanks for the reply Stewart.

    The folder those settings are stored in seem like an unlikely folder for a developer to clean up, but I'll follow up.

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