SSMS Installation Problems

  • I need to get the SSMS installed on users local machines and have had no luck. On one installation, i get the error that my choices are not valid. On another, I get a bootstrap error that is of no help. I found the below in another log file. I need to be able to install SSMS on a users machine to allow him/her to query the databases. I even copied the entire DVD to the local machine. I have never had this many issues with an install. Anyone got any ideas? IS there a stand alone SSMS install that can be used?

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Fri Oct 16 09:35:18 2009

    Process ID : 1340

    D:\en_sql_2005_dev_all_dvd\SQL Server x86\Servers\setup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0

    Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Loaded DLL:D:\en_sql_2005_dev_all_dvd\SQL Server x86\Servers\xmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0

    Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Delay load of action "DetectPatchedBootstrapAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.

    Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:

    Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__1340" returned false.

    Running: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Loaded DLL:C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll Version:3.1.4001.5512

    Loaded DLL:C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll Version:3.1.4001.5512

    Complete: PerformSCCAction2 at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Complete: PerformDotNetCheck at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18, returned true

    Running: ComponentUpdateAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:18

    Error: Action "ComponentUpdateAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:

    <Func Name='UpdateComponents'>

    Error: Cannot read license file

    <EndFunc Name='UpdateComponents' Return='1603' GetLastError='0'>

    Component update returned a fatal error : 1603

    Error Code: 0x80070643 (1603)

    Windows Error Text: Fatal error during installation.

    Source File Name: setup\sqlsetupactions.cpp

    Compiler Timestamp: Thu Sep 1 22:23:04 2005

    Function Name: sqls::ComponentUpdateAction::perform

    Source Line Number: 1564

    Class not registered.

    Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2009/9/16 9:35:30

    Message pump returning: 1603

    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • Check this article -

    For a clean install create a new folder on desktop and in that folder put both Tools and servers folder and then execute setup.exe from Servers folder.

    SQL DBA.

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