SSMS - feature

  • Nothing here unless I hold down CTRL, then I can click the link.

    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • I use SSMS 2008 and I get the pop-up.

    My default browser is Chrome. The web-page still shows in an SSMS tab, but I think it's using IE to render the page, not my preferred browser. Especially since the page appears a lot slower than if I view it using Chrome!

  • I get the pop up (SSMS 2005) but clicking or CTRL + click doesn't do anything. So the answer is nothing!

  • nigelg99 (3/24/2010)

    I use SSMS 2008 and I get the pop-up....

    That's interesting since a number of people have posted that with SSMS 2008 no pop-up happens. Are you using 10.0.2531? If so, any idea what setting may be different with your installation?

  • Nifty feature. I did get the answer wrong as nothing happened until I used the CTRL key.

    Since learning of this today, we are already in discussions of the possible applications of this feature.

  • Dave62 (3/24/2010)

    nigelg99 (3/24/2010)

    I use SSMS 2008 and I get the pop-up....

    That's interesting since a number of people have posted that with SSMS 2008 no pop-up happens. Are you using 10.0.2531? If so, any idea what setting may be different with your installation?

    Yes, it is version 10.0.2531.0. I don't remember changing it, but I can see that there is an option (Options->Text Editor->All Languages) called "Enable single-click URL navigation". This is checked. If I clear it, the link is no longer underlined and the pop-up does not appear.

  • nigelg99 (3/24/2010)


    Yes, it is version 10.0.2531.0. I don't remember changing it, but I can see that there is an option (Options->Text Editor->All Languages) called "Enable single-click URL navigation". This is checked. If I clear it, the link is no longer underlined and the pop-up does not appear.

    I think checked is the default because I haven't changed any settings and mine is checked. I clicked the question mark in the Options dialog on the Text Editor - All Languages page and the MSDN help that came up did not mention a pop-up. It does say that the cursor will change to a hand but nothing about having to click the Ctrl key first. It also says the URL will display in your Web browser not SSMS. I guess there is some quirky behavior and documentation on this one. :hehe:

    "... Enable single-click URL navigation

    Change the cursor to a symbol of a pointing hand when it passes over a URL in the editor. You can click the URL to display the indicated page in your Web browser..."


  • Wahoo! I have a new favorite browser 🙂


  • I tried on 2005 and it did not work.

    It works on 2008

  • vhakopian (3/24/2010)

    I tried on 2005 and it did not work.

    It works on 2008

    Hmmm. It works for me in both 2005 and 2008.

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  • seems like some custom setting. Normally this works when you click your left mouse button along with CTRL key.

  • Just tried it out on a 2005 version and the pop-up appears but not on 2008 :w00t:

    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • Used SSMS in 2005 and as I hover over the link while following the instructions I get nothing. So even though it says my answer was incorrect, It was correct for my situation.

    Question is Bad in that everyone may get different results based on custom settings.

  • mhr1971 (3/25/2010)

    Question is Bad in that everyone may get different results based on custom settings.

    In hindsight, the question may seem bad. But the default behaviours of SSMS should be consistent for a specific version. Only when you get lots of people with lots of different configurations & versions do we find that the default setting actually seems to be random! :w00t:

  • Good question if only because it made me realize that these links in SSMS query code can be activated at all, which I never knew before.

    - webrunner

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

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