ssms 2012 crash when viewing XML output

  • While working on a forum posting on this site, I came up with this code:

    WITH JoinedTables(UserGroup, UserName) as (

    SELECT 'UG1', 'Tom' UNION All

    SELECT 'UG1', 'Harry' UNION all

    SELECT 'UG2', 'Albert' UNION all

    SELECT 'UG3', 'Jim' UNION all

    SELECT 'UG3', 'Sam'


    SELECT UserGroup "@name"

    , (SELECT UserName "User" FROM JoinedTables T2

    Where t2.UserGroup = t1.UserGroup


    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UserGroup FROM JoinedTables) t1

    FOR XML PATH('UserGroup'), ROOT('UserGroupsInfo')

    The code does what I want but SSMS seems to have problems with the results. Every so often, if I click on the results, instead of opening a tab showing the XML, SSMS crashes.

    I'm running SP1, version 11.0.3000.0. I couldn't find a description of this problem or resolution for it in the usual places.

    Anyone else seen this?

  • How often does this problem occur? I have run your code multiple times in my environment (11.0.3128) with no problems.

  • Its random. I'd say one out of 3 times on average. BTW, where did you get the update to SSMS?

  • A good place to start is right here:

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